FADs: What is the Project Summary Dashboard?

FADs: What is the Project Summary Dashboard?

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What is the Project Summary Dashboard?

The Project Summary Dashboard report allows users to select a department and a YTD time period and see financial information for non-award-funded projects.

Who should use this report?

Anyone interested in financial information related to the State, Self-Support, or Auxiliary projects.

The report shows a summary project's financial information by row for a single department.

Running the Report


Fiscal Year – Select one fiscal year. UMBC’s fiscal year runs from July 1st to June 30th.

Accounting Period YTD – Select the month for the report to run through. The report will always start from the beginning of the fiscal year for the month & year selected. Adjustment Period is the Year-End period which includes periods 906, 910, 920, 930, 970, & 998.

Fund(s) – Depending on what fund is selected, the KPI’s will either show “Carry Forward Balance” and “Budget vs. Actuals” (1111) or “Beginning Balance” and “Balance (Any other fund). If multiple funds are selected, the KPI’s will not show.  

Division(s) – The highest level of the department hierarchy. Every department rolls up to a division. Select one or multiple. And the next three filters will be populated.

College(s)/Units – The next level of the department hierarchy. This is the level you will find the colleges that makeup UMBC and other administrative units.

Department(s) – Most departments will be at the level. There is an option to select one, multiple, or all.

Subdepartment(s) – Some departments have subdepartments reporting to them. There is an option to select one, multiple, or all.

Project Code – All active projects related to the time period, funds, and departments selected will show. There is an option to choose one, multiple, or all.

How to read the report?

The Dashboard shows the selected projects on separate rows and summarizes their financial activities in the following columns.

  • Beginning Balance - Shows the balance at the beginning of the fiscal year

  • Activity - This is the net sum of all financial transactions between the start of the fiscal year and the period selected.

  • Balance - The ending balance as of the end of the period selected

Drill Downs

You can right-click on any number in the actuals column, and a pop-up will appear. In the pop-up, you will have multiple options to navigate to each detail dashboard.

The Revenue Detail – mostly the accounts that begin with 4 and 5.

The Salary & Wages Detail – These accounts are used to pay employees.

The Fringe Benefits Detail – These are all the accounts related to employee benefits such as Social Security, Health Insurance, etc.

The Operating Expenses Detail – All the other Expense accounts.