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About the FAQs
Academic Advising
Athletics, Physical Education & Recreation
Billing & Personal Finances
Campus Card
Classes & Grades
How do I register for classes at UMBC?
What do I need to do before I register for classes?
I am trying to register for classes. Why can’t I see the upcoming term?
Where can I find my earliest registration time?
How do I find out which courses I need to take?
Schedule Builder
Course Permissions
Can I take myself off a waitlist?
Does being on the waitlist count towards my semester totals?
Does being on the waitlist mean I’m registered for the class?
Do I need permission to get on a wait list for a class?
What are my chances of being enrolled from a waitlist?
What happens if a seat becomes available? Do I register myself for the course?
Did the system skip me because I'm in another section of the same course?
I put my name on a waitlist for next semester and am currently enrolled in the prerequisite. What happens if I fail the prerequisite ?
What happens if I’m on a waitlist but adding the course would go over the allowed maximum? I don’t want to drop a course and need this waitlisted course.
Is there a limit to how many waitlists I can be on?
How do I know I have been moved from a waitlist to a class?
What is a waitlist position number?
Why can’t I register from the waitlist?
Why can’t I add myself to the waitlist?
I registered for several sections of the same course’s waitlists. Which one will I get into first?
Can I waitlist for a class that has a time conflict with a class I’m enrolled in?
I didn’t know I was enrolled off the waitlist and now if I drop it I will receive a W grade. What can I do?
I was enrolled on a waitlist and now it’s gone. What happened?
I dropped my name off the waitlist and I want back on it. I was number (x). Can you add me back on at my old position number?
What is a waitlist?
Course Materials Initiative
Student Course Evaluations
myUMBC PeopleSoft Mobile
How do I access my official class roster?
How do I find what textbook I need for my class?
How do I print my grade rosters with photos
How do I send an email to my students using PeopleSoft?
How do I view my grade roster?
I completed my grade roster, but my students can't see their grades.
What do I do if I have a hold on my account?
What should I do if I just can't submit my grades by the deadline date?
Why don’t I have access to my grade roster?
Colwell Center
Computing & Technology
Facilities & Operations
Financial Services & Accounting
Health & Wellness
Housing and Meal Plans
Human Resources
Jobs & Internships