Erik and Nathan
PHYS 401, Dome
- Inspect the GAM controller serial cable.
- Reset COM2 port in Device Manager.
- Inspecting Serial Port on Control Computer End
- The serial port on the back of the computer was found to be a DB9 connecter instead of the DB25 described in the schematics.
- The cable seems to be in good condition and the solder connections to the DB9 connector are good.
- Resetting COM2 Port in Device Manager
- To reset, we disabled the COM2 driver in Device Manager.
- We opened up DFMTCS and confirmed that COM2 is used to communicate with the GAM Controller.
- We then reenabled the COM2 driver and found no change in getting the GAM to do what we want like last time.
- Inspecting Serial Port on the GAM Controller
- According the schematics, there are two serial ports (RJ11) on the back of the GAM controller labelled 'J4' and 'J5'.
- Only J4 was connected. This could be the reason why there's a DB9 connector instead of the expected DB25 connector on the back of the Control Computer.
- Why is J5 not connected?
- Is J5 responsible for controlling the translating stage?
- We also found that there's was a plastic blank-off plate near the COM2 port on the back of the Control Computer and another port that wasn't connected to anything.
- From this link: https://instrumentic.info/en/rj11-rs232.html#gsc.tab=0, we found that a serial cable that uses a DB25 connector on one end has two RJ11 connectors on the other end.
- This could mean that J5 was connected at one point before the Control Computer was upgraded in 2011.
- The next step to take is to look into the upgrade logs of the Control Computer to see what changes were made to the GAM Controller connection and to see why J5 is not connected.
- According the schematics, there are two serial ports (RJ11) on the back of the GAM controller labelled 'J4' and 'J5'.
Note: Unplugged ST4 box to get easier access to back panel of MDC/TCS
- GAM Translating Stage is reporting "3" in GAM Status Info window
- That doesn't means anything per manual
- Only 1 or 2 are supported per manual
- We can't get the 3 to change with any cherry switch actuation
- That doesn't means anything per manual
- Continuity tests of cherry switches for translating stage encoders
- All tests passed for cherry switches
- Continuity tests on actual switches.
- Continuity tests to outside of GAM box
- Continuity of GAM extension cables passes as well
- This indicates that the cherry switches and cables relaying singals out of GAM are all good.
- Issue is therefore somewhere between GAM controller and computer.
- The current suspected culprit is the COM2 wire out the back of the MDC/TCS
- To test, we want to reset COM2 port via SW
- We also noticed that the COM2 DB25-P cable wasn't seated correctly in the back of the MDC/TCS
- Cable is bent/squished between back of computer and 'gold' plate
- Translating stage motor still not working
- However all of the signals for the working SOUTH filter wheel and rotating mirror are also going through the DB25-P cable
- So we don't know what could be wrong
- So we don't know what could be wrong
Onkar and Roy
PHYS 401, 433C, Dome
- Calibration Frame for pretty objects
- Opened Dome
- Opened Mirror Doors
- Bundled GAM cables
- Connected on axis camera (ZWO ASI294MM Pro)
- Took sky flats in on-axis and spotter scope
- Moved to Arcturus for pointing and seeing frame
- 8.4 +- 0.4 pix FWHM via SharpCap for OA
- 7.415 +- 0.1 pix FWHM via SharpCap for Spotter
- Moved to NGC 6633 in south eastern sky
- Used PHD2 for collecting stacking frames and some long exposures (45s)
- Saw that PHD2 was still causing short frames to jump around in on axis FoV
- Moved to M 81 in north western sky
- Frames all seem sky-dominated
- PHD2 is also jumping around more than we saw last time
- Tried to see what NINA(Nighttime Imaging 'N' Astronomy)
- Is kinda cool
- Some bumps wrt shared mounts/COM ports
- Onkar will figure out after the GAM is fixed
- Closed up
- Scope at Zenith
- Mirror doors closed
- Dome closed
- ASI 294MM stowed in 433C cabinet
- Investigate finderscope : main scope angular resolution ratios for the purposes of autoguiding
- Could this be the issue with PHD2 jumping?
Erik and Roy
PHYS 401, 433C, Dome
- Diagnose issue with East Mirror door catching on N/S Mirror doors
- Figure out what is/is not working with the GAM
Mirror Doors
- Enabled all motors
- Opened DFM TCS on CC
- Cycled Mirror Doors 4x, no issue opening or seating/reseating.
- Hooray. Solved?
- Perhaps temperature/weather dependent?
- Are the doors flexing?
- Limit switch metal flexing (shouldn't too much bc stainless steel)
- Need some quick way to determine how well the doors have sealed
- Establish GAM Connection
- Acces DFM TCS SW > Telescope > GAM Control
- "Update GAM Status"
- Dialog box changed to "Send Command"
- No further updates ...
- Needed to reset GAM Remote Control Box
- Close DFM TCS SW
- Switch Toggle to Off (Red LED goes out)
- Wait 10s
- Switch Toggle On (Red LED goes on)
- Start DFM TCS SW
- "GAM Status Information" fields update top→bottom
- "Update GAM Status"
- South Filter Wheel, over 37-pin cable; 8 positions
- Manual Changes & Updates
- On South face of GAM, spun handle so that filter position changed
- Moved between single positions (e.g., 4→5)
- Resent "Update GAM Status" command and got correct results
- Moved between multiple positions (e.g., 1→6)
- Resent "Update GAM Status" command and got correct results
- On one manual movement, the "Update GAM Status" command was sent while spinning handle
- GAM Status Information failed to update
- GAM Communication froze
- Had to reset GAM again (see step 2 above)
- Could not replicate communication issue ... not sure what happened
- This is bad. We cannot have GAM communication cut-out in middle of session
- What is the role of the GAM Remote Control Box
- SW Changes & Updates
- On DFM TCS SW > Telescope > GAM Control > Filter Wheels (tab)
- Set South FW position to different positions
- Hit "Apply"
- Motors moved to correct filters
- On "Update GAM Status" repolls, correct positions reported
- Again, moved between single & multiple positions.
- All successful
- On DFM TCS SW > Telescope > GAM Control > Filter Wheels (tab)
- DFM TCS correctly communicates over 37-pin cable to South Filter Wheel motors and encoders.
- Manual Changes & Updates
- Translating Stage, over 37-pin cable; 2 positions
- GAM Status Information boxes report position 3 – no mention of this position to DFM TCS Manual (pg 21)
- Identified limit switches on metal slab toward south side of GAM interior, these are small rivets meant to actuate two limit switches (one on each side; stowed, on-axis)
- DFM TCS SW > Telescope > GAM Control > Translating Stage (tab)
- Manually moved stage to stowed position and on-axis
- Repolled
- No changes
- Attempted SW movement of translating stage
- No movement
- Motor twitched when repolling ... not sure what this means
- Motor should be tested with external power supply
- Limit switches should be tested via extraction and continuity tested (or something)
- More testing is needed to diagnose issues with translating stage motors and encoders
- Rotating Mirror, over 37-pin cable; 4 positions
- DFM TCS SW > Telescope > GAM Control > Translating Stage (tab)
- GAM reports position correctly
- Asked SW to move rotating mirror to any position
- Mirror mount caught on motor mount
- Loosened set screw (smallest allen key one we had) and lifted mount slightly from motor mount
- Mount "grumbles" as it moves until the tang/tab finds the Hall Effect sensor, then moves swiftly to the desired position
- The stage needs to find the sensor each time (unless the tang/tab is already at the sensor) before moving to desired position
- DFM TCS correctly communicates over 37-pin cable to rotating mirror motor motors and encoders
See log with notes for next steps
- Re-bundle wires for GAM
- Make GAM 14-pin connector wire
- Mount remaining cameras
- Buy low-profile non-IR camera to watch mirror doors (wireless or PoE)
- Wireless would mean recharging camera periodically and introduction of wifi into risk portfolio
- PoE may require fishing cables through mount – which would be complicated
Obs: Roy, Natalie, Onkar
- take seeing frame
- take calibration frames
- astrometric field images with and without AG via phd2
- maybe change guide-rate in dfmtcs and see if that helps/hurts
- m101 with no filters : (
- opened up approx 20:30PM
- Connected cameras
- Opened mirror doors
- Aimed at Venus for coarse pointing
- Went to Alkaid in Ursa Major
- Used SharpCap FWHM monitor
- On-Axis: Got 6.6 pix on average +- 0.2
- Spotter: Got 6.5 pix on average
- Took images for each, saved in gDrive
- Moved to Summer Beehive Cluster along CEq
- Took 3 frames five minutes apart without AG
- Took 3 frames five minutes apart with AG
- Issue with PHD2 – see image in notes
- PHD2 was moving the field too much.
- Onkar thinks we should recalibrate
- This seems to have worked!
- Slewed to M101
- Can't find galaxy features
- Trying to live stack
- Live stacking didn't work – likely sky/light pollution dominated frames
- cant polar align in sharpcap with on-axis setup, maybe possible on finder?
- Moved to M82
- Tried more live stacking
- Moved to color CMOS
- More live stacking
- Closed up
- Dome closed
- Mirror doors closed
- All motors disengaged
- talked about tracking and SNR
Thu 20230615 Sunrise: 0554 Sunset: 2020 Moonrise: 0402 (Waning Crescent) Moonset: 1838 Number of Clear Hrs Before Sunrise: 6 Number of Clear Hrs After Sunset: 0
saved in usual place
Onkar, Natalie, Matt, Roy, Eric Perlman
PHYS 401, PHYS 433C, Dome
- Point & Collect Seeing Frames
- Observe Astrometric Fields
- M101 w/ Calibration Frames
- Matt connected on-axis camera into Icron Extender Box
- Matt connected finder scope camera to LBD2
- Opened Dome and Mirror Doors
- Pointed at Arcturus, set object position
- Pointed at Alioth, confirmed good pointing.
- Got FWHM of 5.6 +-0.2
- Saved seeing frame
- Went to M5
- Moved the core downward in the frame to focus on sparser field
- PHD2 was reinstalled to latest version 2.6.11
- Did NOT take dark library before attempting to guide
- M5: Took 3x frames 5 minutes apart with autoguiding on
- M5: Took 3x frames 5 minutes apart with autoguiding off
- Slewed to M101
- Packed up for the night
- Dome closed
- Mirror doors closed
Lul smoke
- Create gifs demonstrating with and without autoguiding
- calculate RA and DEC differences with and without autoguiding
Saved to google drive
21C, smoky in west
Connor, Onkar, Roy
PHYS 401, 433C, Dome
- Aim near horizon for sky flats
- Point at Arcturus, collect seeing frame
- Alkaid, collect seeing frame
- Dubhe, collect seeing frame
- Go to M101
- Frames
- Light frame: 20000-50000 COUNTS
- Darks: for above exposure time
- Flats from sky before
- Biases
- Color
- With ZWO filter set
- Calibration frames
- Flats
- Calibration frames
- Change to color camera
- With ZWO filter set
- Frames
- Astrometric Fields
- M5, M10, M12
- For each:
- Expose to nominal exposure
- Wait 5 mins
- Expose again
- Wait 5 mins
- Expose again
- Save with good headers/fileNames
- Onkar works with NINA?
- Could not find filter wheel
- Found some adapters after 20 minutes
- Slewed to west for some attempts at sky flats
- Took 10x flat frames in 20230601_skyFlats_
- Pointed at Venus
- Adjusted focus to 2100
- Slewed to Arcturus
- Closed hatch
- Adjusted focus to 2104
- Used sharpcap FWHM monitor to get FWHM to 10.2 +-0.4
- Arcturus: Magnitude 0.15 (reduced to 0.29)
- Alkaid: Magnitude 1.85 (reduced to 1.98)
- Slewed to Alkaid
- ShapCap FWHM monitor showed ~9.9-10.3 +-0.3
- Slewed to M5
- Took 3 60s captures 5 minutes apart on-axis
- Took some captures from finderscope
- Tried to use PhD2 for autoguiding
- PhD2 crashes during star guiding
- We got MaxIMDL license on DC and setup guider camera with MaxImDL
- The rates seem to be off – it over corrects and jumps the image around the screen
- Maybe look into better settings for MaxImDL autoguiding
- We also need to figure out why PHD2 is crashing so frequently
- Maybe reinstall
- Maybe use older version of software/drivers
- Update windows
- Check USB connections/power/bandwidths
- Check NVidia drivers – which affect this somehow ...
- Ugh
- Closed up @ 0010
Figure out autoguiding
Confirm seeing measurements
Measure tracking error
23 C outside
Saved to drive