Observation Night Full Moon +1d

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Observation Night Full Moon +1d

Attendance Onkar, Tara, Gabriel, Roy, Jackson, Shreyansh

Date & Time 11/8/22, 1900-0000

Spaces Occupied 401 Control room and Dome


  1. (Onkar) Test new FireNex

  2. (Onkar) Investigate/Fix Motherboard Ethernet Port on Data Computer

  3. (Gabriel) Investigate TCP/IP Stuff

  4. Point Scope

  5. Astrometric calibration with M67 or NGC188

    1. Need sidereal tracking, not solar

    2. So point on high star

    3. Use https://archive.stsci.edu/cgi-bin/dss_form to find images

  6. Write up tracking vs (auto)guiding

  7. Write wiki for general telescope use


Gabriel Investigate TCP/IP Stuff
  1. Tried setting up TCP/IP server on T.C.S - SUCCESS

    1. Attempted to do this through DMF TCS by:

      1. Go to DFMTCS (software), Options→ Communication→ TCP/IP tab.

      2. From here, if the TCP/IP Server is active, you cannot change settings.

      3. To change the settings, select "No Connection", then hit the "TCP/IP Settings" button

        1. From here, you can change the Port number and can view the IP being used

    2. Service status exists on the bottom right of DFMTCS program under "Communication" box

  2. Tried connecting the T.C.S(telescope control system) to the D.C(data computer) - FAILED

    1. Tried connecting the said computers directly via ethernet cable -FAILED (D.C didn't recognize the connection - checked with ipconfig and windows control panel on DC. T.C.S recognized connection but documented "no internet access"). 

      1. Not sure if network established, just no internet OR if machine just detected a cable connection.

        1. What does it mean when Windows reports "no internet access"?

    2. Tried connecting through university local area network, D.C recognizes T.C.S TCP/IP address (could get pings)

      1. No connection possible through DFM TCP client, this could be DFM client issue( ?)

  3. Tried connecting the T.C.S. to localhost/TCP address via TCP/IP - SUCCESS

    1. Tried through DFM TCP/IP client -FAILED (Attempt to update SET RATE (Command #16) didn't cause update on DFMTCS)

    2. Tried TCP/IP client of off internet "wifly communication test" -SUCCESS (but buggy)

    3. Note: Don't know if T.C.S connects to address directly through localhost or through local network and then its IP address

  4. In order to have TCS talk to telescope via ExCOM, navigate to Options→ Communication→ExCOM tab

    1. Then Select "no connection" and modify the serial settings to communicate on serial port COM4

    2. Then select "Serial port" and enjoy

    3. NOTE: This conflicts with the default communication mode of TheSky6, which also uses COM4 to communicate with the telescope.


  5. Overall: Success issuing TCP/I P commands to DFMTCS over wifly communication test software running on TCS connected to localhost or self-reported IP. Need to figure out how to connect DC to TCS and issue wifly commands more reliably over this connection.

  6. Command used for testing was command #16 (per UMBC_Observatory_DFM_Telescope_Manual(aka man721.doc ) page 43)

Pointing Scope
  1. Opened SharpCap

  2. Opened TheSky6

  3. Connecting CMOS to DC

    1. Originally connected LBD cable to CMOS, then to DC – Failed. Red LED lit on remote end

    2. Then disconnected everything

    3. Then connected LBD to DC, then to CMOS. – Success. Green LED lit on remote end

  4. Detecting CMOS in SharpCap

    1. After successful connection between DC and CMOS (measured by LED on LBD?(ask Onkar))

    2. SharpCap was not seeing camera


    1. Discovered that LBD1 in back top USB port, unpowered allowed the camera to connect in SharpCap, proceeded with this config


    3. What is the power for in the LBDs?

    4. Is there a difference between the front ports and rear panel ports? 

  6. Pointed to Jupiter focus off see other notes 

  7. Went to Capella  

  8. Closed dome slew to zenith 

  9. mirrors nested

  1. That don't work either.

  2. Fiber cable sends signal, new fiber line works

  3. FireNex wasn't detecting any devices (USB drive) in USB ports

    1. Indicated by lack of SS light on FireNex

  4. More testing may be needed by NOT US

Other Notes

  1. Seems like we need to connect LDB to DC before CMOS for successful connection

  2. Seems like we can connect CMOS to DC via unpowered LBD – not sure why

  3. Need to run speed test on/over USB Extender

  4. Need to document all communication ports in DFMTCS and TS6

    1. TS6: Telescope Setup COM: COM4, Baud 9600

    2. DFMTCS: Communication, MNCP needs serial settings set to COM4

  5. South is extremely slow 15-20secs, East door hit structure 'hard'

  6. make sure to change focus from 2600(with spectro-polarimeter) to 1930(vanilla cmos for Jupiter) 

Direct Questions/Concerns to Roy Prouty (roy.prouty@umbc.edu)