What are priority levels? When and how should I use them?


By assigning a priority level to your orders, you can let Library Acquisitions know which orders are most important to you. This allows them to make sound decisions when prioritizing, queuing, or backlogging orders.

You may choose any of three priority levels for orders:

1. Rush orders are usually placed within one or two working days and the items usually arrive within a month. Use this for items needed in 1-2 months. Items purchased this way usually cost more.
2. Priority orders are usually placed within 2 weeks and the items usually arrive within 3 months. Use this for items needed in 3-6 months.
3. Collection Building orders are also usually placed within 2 weeks, but may take much longer. The items also usually arrive in 3-6 months, but may take longer. Use this for quality items for the Library collection.

In order to assign a priority level to your order:

On the web order form, click the button for the appropriate level when entering your order. If you don't assign a level, your order will automatically be assigned the lowest priority level, "Collection Building".

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