Observatory: Onkar, Tara supervising
Spaces Occupied
401, 433C, dome
- Figure out how to use the new orange c8
- Use color cmos for once
- initial setting up
- see the diagram in Notes for what adapters and wires were used
- decided to use the color cmos as its been a while and why not
- looked up guides (see Notes) on how to use the handpaddle and mount
- mount/handpaddle issues and fix
- turned on mount + hand paddle
- "No Response 17" and "No Response 16"
- not good
- connected handpaddle to laptop and used "Celestron Firmware Manager" to update handpaddle firmware
- tried again, same error messages as before
- here I got the bright idea to change the batteries in the mount for new ones, it uses 8 AA batteries
- WORKED no more error message after power cycle
- setting up: tripod and mount
- tried opening the dome and setting up the tripod in the dome to observe but just the way things lined up physically made this option a no go
- decided to set up on roof
- the reason i did this was so that i would still have internet on my laptop for troubleshooting and so that if i needed to run inside and grab a cable/tool, id be able to (and did need to a bunch)
- mounted cmos onto c8, c8 onto the mount, mount onto tripod, tripod on roof
- followed the steps for "auto two star alignment" and entered the information as prompted
- star 1: Dubhe
- star 2: Arcturus
- had to unmount the camera and mount an eye-piece for this process as eyeballing the c8 on target was a lot harder than eyeballing the big scope (i know, doesn't make sense)
- finished setting up, slewed to random stars to verify pointing, learned that my head hitting the eyepiece was throwing off alignment ever so slightly
- solution: stop this and mount camera
- setting up: ASI482MC
- installed sharpcap and license onto personal laptop
- got camera in focus by observing Dubhe and using manual focus to lessen "donut"ness
- played with output formats and color space
- tldr: rgb24 color space and .avi output format is the way to go (i think) for color cmos
- followed this tutorial:
- learned that there is much to learn and that its way different than the monochrome cmos
- closing up
- everything went back to where they needed to go EXCEPT tripod, i left it in the dome so its easier to bring out for future observing
- celestron scope and mount back in rolly case thing
- cameras back on shelf
- eye pieces and adapters back in optix box
- verified dome closed and switches were turned off
- try again, for you can never cross the ocean unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore
- NEXSTAR+ HAND CONTROL: https://s3.amazonaws.com/celestron-site-support-files/support_files/nexstar_plus_hc_Addendum_5lang.pdf
- Celestron Instruction Manual NexStar 8i Special Edition: https://s3.amazonaws.com/celestron-site-support-files/support_files/NX8iSE_11022-XLT-SE.pdf
- Celestron Firmware Manual: https://www.celestron.com/pages/drivers-and-software
- Hand Paddle Troubleshooting Guide: https://celestron-site-support-files.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/support_files/Celestron%20NexStar%2B%20Hand%20Control%20Troubleshooting%20Guide.pdf
Cloud Cover: 5%-4%
Cloud Cover: 8%-3%
Cloud Cover: 0%-3%
Transparency: Above Average
Seeing: Average
Clear Dark Sky:
Cloud Cover: Clear
Transparency: Above Average
Seeing: Average