- Search the title in USMAI. If you find a record, do a screen print.
- Log in to the Acquisitions Serials Module in ALEPH.
- Call up the order by typing the Order number in the Order Number field, located in the upper left-hand corner. Check to make sure that you have the correct record.
- Check to make sure the status is still "SV". If it's anything different, see the Acquisitions Librarian.
- Delete the order by pressing "DELETE" on the column on the right of the screen.
- Write "Please delete" on the USMAI record printout and give it to the Cataloging Librarian to delete.
- Pull the open P.O. from the open order file.
- Write "XS, Publication Cancelled" on the front of the original P.O.
- You will need two copies of each P.O.(the original plus 1). Make appropriate copies.
- Write "Rejected - Publication Cancelled" on the front of one copy. Paperclip them all together and put them in the Vendor Notices/Department Reports mailing slot. Attach a copy of the notice to the back of the open P.O.
- Re-file one copy of each P.O. in the cancellation file.