Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

New Student Outreach

The New Student Outreach is targeting mostly freshmen and transfer students on campus. It is comprised by various initiatives scheduled  during the fall and spring semesters. It was initiated in the Fall 2011.

The New Student Support Team members:

Gergana Kostova (coordinator), Simmona Simmons, Lynda Aldana, Nicole Smith, Anuj Kapadia (Fall 2011), Richard Hamilton (Spring 2012),  Reference student  workers

Initiatives in the Fall 2011:
  • Freshmen’s Coffee Hour

  • Library Mini-sessions

  • Books and Hooks 1 ( including:  Q&A session; educational library quiz; guest performing group  UMBC Mama’s Boys a Capella Group),

Initiatives in the Spring 2012:
  • Library Q&A sessions at the University Center

  • Books and Hooks 2 (including: Q&A session; educational library quiz; guest performing group UMBC Stilettos)

Library Promotional Materials related to this outreach:
Event Advertizing:
  • MyUMBC spotlight

  • Library spotlights

  • Digital sign - iNet

  • Other Signs and Library Flyers

  • Emails

Event assessment:
Initiatives in the Fall 2012:

Memo on LemonAOK

Memo on LemonAOK


Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian