The calculation↗︎ schema displays grades as points, letters (A, B, C), or a percentage with the grading schema you choose for each assessment. The schema takes the points scored on an item and compares them with the item's total possible points to get a percentage. This percentage is mapped to a range of scores and displays a grade, such as a letter. Example: For the total grade, a student's raw numeric score is 88 out of 100 points possible. In a grading schema in which a percentage of 87 to less than 90 equals a B+, the student's score of 88 results in a B+. Note |
At this time, regardless of the range of values you use in your schema, the grade pill colors and corresponding percentages don't change from the Ultra color scheme. Your correct grade appears, but the color matches the Ultra color scheme. However, your institution can disable the color scheme for all courses. Visit the Assign Grades topic↗︎ to learn more. |