Attendance Onkar, Tara, Gabriel, Roy, Jackson, Shreyansh
Date & Time 11/8/22, 1900-
Spaces Occupied 401 Control room and Dome
- (Onkar) Test new FireNex
- (Onkar) Investigate/Fix Motherboard Ethernet Port on Data Computer
- (Gabriel) Investigate TCP/IP Stuff
- Point Scope
- Astrometric calibration with M67 or NGC188
- Need sidereal tracking, not solar
- So point on high star
- Use to find images
- Write up tracking vs (auto)guiding
- Write wiki for general telescope use
Gabriel Investigate TCP/IP Stuff
- Tried setting up TCP/IP server on T.C.S - SUCCESS
- Attempted to do this through DMF TCS by:
- Go to DFMTCS (software), Options→ Communication→ TCP/IP tab.
- From here, if the TCP/IP Server is active, you cannot change settings.
- To change the settings, select "No Connection", then hit the "TCP/IP Settings" button
- From here, you can change the Port number and can view the IP being used
- Service status exists on the bottom right of DFMTCS program under "Communication" box
- Attempted to do this through DMF TCS by:
- Tried connecting the T.C.S(telescope control system) to the D.C(data computer) - FAILED
- Tried connecting the said computers directly via ethernet cable -FAILED (D.C didn't recognize the connection - checked with ipconfig and windows control panel on DC. T.C.S recognized connection but documented "no internet access").
- Not sure if network established, just no internet OR if machine just detected a cable connection.
- What does it mean when Windows reports "no internet access"?
- Not sure if network established, just no internet OR if machine just detected a cable connection.
- Tried connecting through university local area network, D.C recognizes T.C.S TCP/IP address (could get pings)
- No connection possible through DFM TCP client, this could be DFM client issue( ?)
- Tried connecting the said computers directly via ethernet cable -FAILED (D.C didn't recognize the connection - checked with ipconfig and windows control panel on DC. T.C.S recognized connection but documented "no internet access").
- Tried connecting the T.C.S. to localhost/TCP address via TCP/IP - SUCCESS
- Tried through DFM TCP/IP client -FAILED (Attempt to update SET RATE (Command #16) didn't cause update on DFMTCS)
- Tried TCP/IP client of off internet "wifly communication test" -SUCCESS (but buggy)
- Note: Don't know if T.C.S connects to address directly through localhost or through local network and then its IP address
- In order to have TCS talk to telescope via ExCOM, navigate to Options→ Communication→ExCOM tab
- Then Select "no connection" and modify the serial settings to communicate on serial port COM4
- Then select "Serial port" and enjoy
- NOTE: This conflicts with the default communication mode of TheSky6, which also uses COM4 to communicate with the telescope.
- Overall: Success issuing TCP/I P commands to DFMTCS over wifly communication test software running on TCS connected to localhost or self-reported IP. Need to figure out how to connect DC to TCS and issue wifly commands more reliably over this connection.
- Command used for testing was command #16 (per UMBC_Observatory_DFM_Telescope_Manual(aka man721.doc
) page 43)
Pointing Scope
- Opened SharpCap
- Opened TheSky6
- Connecting CMOS to DC
- Originally connected LBD cable to CMOS, then to DC – Failed. Red LED lit on remote end
- Then disconnected everything
- Then connected LBD to DC, then to CMOS. – Success. Green LED lit on remote end
- Detecting CMOS in SharpCap
- After successful connection between DC and CMOS (measured by LED on LBD?(ask Onkar))
- SharpCap was not seeing camera
- Discovered that LBD1 in back top USB port, unpowered allowed the camera to connect in SharpCap, proceeded with this config
- What is the power for in the LBDs?
- Is there a difference between the front ports and rear panel ports?
- Pointed to Jupiter focus off see other notes
- Went to Capella
- Closed dome slew to zenith
- mirrors nested
- That don't work either.
- Fiber cable sends signal, new fiber line works
- FireNex wasn't detecting any devices (USB drive) in USB ports
- Indicated by lack of SS light on FireNex
- More testing may be needed by NOT US
Other Notes
- Seems like we need to connect LDB to DC before CMOS for successful connection
- Seems like we can connect CMOS to DC via unpowered LBD – not sure why
- Need to run speed test on/over USB Extender
- Need to document all communication ports in DFMTCS and TS6
- TS6: Telescope Setup COM: COM4, Baud 9600
- DFMTCS: Communication, MNCP needs serial settings set to COM4
- South is extremely slow 15-20secs, East door hit structure 'hard'
- make sure to change focus from 2600(with spectro-polarimeter) to 1930(vanilla cmos for Jupiter)