6. Dissertations and Theses

6. Dissertations and Theses


  1. Joseph C. Harsanyi, Detection and Classification of Subpixel Spectral Signatures in Hyperspectral Image Sequences, Electrical Engineering, August 1993, President of Applied Signal and Image Technology, Inc., L3’s subsidary,  MD. (103 citations)

  2. Mark L.G. Althouse, Vapor Cloud Detection in Multispectral Infrared Image Sequences Using Co-occurrence Matrix Methods, August 1994, Senior Technical Advisor, Department of Defense, MD.

  3. Brumbley, Kalman Filtering and Subspace Projection Approaches to Multispectral and Hyperspectral Image Classification, Electrical Engineering, May 1998, Senior Electrical Engineer, Department of Defense, MD.

  4. Paul Thouin, Image Restoration of Low Resolution Text and Document Images, Electrical Engineering, May 2000, Senior Electrical Engineer, Department of Defense, MD.

  5. Agustine Ifarraguerri, Hyperspectral Image Analysis with Convex Cones and Projection Pursuit, Electrical Engineering, May 2000, Electrical Engineer, SAIC.

  6. Qian Du, Topics in Hyperspectral Image Analysis, Electrical Engineering, May 2000, Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Mississippi State University, Mississippi.

  7. Hsuan Ren, Unsupervised and Generalized Orthogonal Subspace Projection and Constrained Energy Minimization for Target Detection and Classification in Remotely Sensed Imagery, Electrical Engineering, May 2000, Associate Professor of Computer Science and Information Engineering and Research Assistant Scientists of Center for Space and Remote Sensing Research, National Central University, Taiwan.

  8. Chien-Shun Lo, Computer-Aided System for Diagnosis of Clustered Microcalcifications in Mammograms, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, June 2000 (co-advisor with Professor Pau-Choo Chung and Dr. San-Kan Lee in Taiwan), Assistant Professor, Department of Multimedia Design, National Formosa University, Taiwan.

  9. Daniel Heinz, Constrained Least Squares Approaches to Target Detection and Image Classification  for  Remotely Sensed Images, Electrical Engineering, May 2001, Engineer, US Army.

  10. Shao Shan Chiang, Automatic Target Detection and Classification in Hyperspectral Imagery, Electrical Engineering, May 2001, Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Lunghua University of Science and Technology, Taiwan.

  11. Chuin-Mu Wang, Applications of Multispectral Imaging Processing Techniques to Brain Magnetic Resonance Image Classification, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, June 2002 (co-advisor with Professor Pau-Choo Chung in Taiwan), Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Chin-Yi University of Technology.

  12. Yingzi Du, Text Detection and Restoration for Color Video Images, Electrical Engineering, May 2003, Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis.

  13. Kerri Guilfoyle, Application of Linear and Nonlinear Mixture Models to Hyperspectral Imagery Analysis Using Radial Basis Function Neural Networks, Electrical Engineering, May 2003, Senior Electrical Engineer, Department of Defense, MD.

  14. Jianwei Wang, Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) Design for Real-time Implementation of Hyperspectral Detection and Classification Algorithms, Electrical Engineering, May 2003, Software Engineer, Applied Materials, Inc., CA.

  15. Sheng-Chi Yang, Design and Development of Computer-Aided Mammography Screening System for Mass Detection, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, June 2006 (co-advisor with Professor Pau-Choo Chung and Dr. Sam-Kan Lee) Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Chin-Yi University of Technology.

  16. Bohong Ji, Constrained Linear Spectral Mixture Analysis, Electrical Engineering, May 2006, GIS developer, Tetra Tech, Fairfax, VA.

  17. Jing Wang, Applications of Independent Component Analysis to Hyperspectral Data Exploitation, Electrical Engineering, May 2006, Engineer.

  18. Su Wang, Statistical Signal Processing Applications to Hyperspectral Signature Characterization, Electrical Engineering, May 2006. (Engineer, SONY)

  19. Mingkai Hsueh, Reconfigurable Computing for Algorithms in Hyperspectral Image Processing, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, August 2007, Software Engineer, Gatan, CA.

  20. Bharath Ramakrishna, Computer Aided Detection (CAD) for Meniscal and Articular  Cartilages on Magnetic Resonance (MR) Images, Computer Engineering, December 2007, Computer Engineering, Software Engineer, UCLA, CA.

  21. Hsiang Min Chen, Multispectral Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging Analysis Using Hyperspectral Imaging Processing Techniques, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Chung Hsing University, Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Hungkung University (Co-advisor with Professor Y.C. Ouyang, post-doctor fellow, Chinese Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan).

  22. Sumit Chakravarty, Hyperspectral Signature Coding, Electrical Engineering, May 2008, Engineer.

  23. Weimin Liu, Unsupervised Hyperspectral Target Recognition, Electrical Engineering, June  2008, currently assistant professor, Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan.

  24. Chao-Cheng Wu, Design and Analysis of Endmember Extraction Algorithms for Hyperspectral Imagery, Electrical Engineering, May 2009, Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering, National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan.

  25. Xiaoli Jiao, Unsupervised Hyperspectral Target Detection and Classification, Computer Science, May 2010. (co-advisor with Professor Y. Du), currently research associate with SAIC.

  26. Haleh Safavi, Hyperspectral Data Dimensionality Reductio and Applications, Electrical Engineering, December 21,  2010, software engineer, NASA Goddard Flight Center.

  27. Wei Xiong, Estimation of Effective Spectral Dimesnionality for Hyperspectral Imagery, Electrical Engineering, April 14,  2011, currently software engineer, with Airvana, Boston, MA.

  28. Keng-Hao Liu, Progressive Band Prioritization and Selection for Linear Spectral Mixture Analysis, Electrical Engineering, April 21, 2011, currently postdoctor fellow at Academia Sinica, Taiwan.

  29. Englin Wong, Partial Volume Estimation of Magnetic Resonance Image Using Linear Spectral Mixing Analysis, Electrical Engineering, April 25, 2011, software engineer, NASA Goddard Flight Center.

  30. Kevin Fisher, Real-Time Progressive Hyperspectral Band Processing for Libear Spectral Unmixing and Endmember Extraction, Computer Engineering, December 2012, software engineer, NASA Goddard Flight Center.

  31. Gandish Saiprasad, Automatic Detection Adrenal Gland Abnormality Using Random Classification Forest Coupled with histogram Analysis, Electrical Engineering, December 2012.

  32. Peter Hu, Computer Science, 3D ROC Abnalysis in Predicting Trauma Patient Outcomes Using Vital Signs Signals, Computer Science, May 2013, director of information technology, University of Maryland Hospital.

  33. Shih-Yu Chen, Algorithm Design and Analysis for Hyperspectral Endmember Finding, Electrical Engineering, May 2014, assistant professor, Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Yulin University of Science and Technology, Taiwan, ROC.

  34. Robert Schultz, Progressive Band Processing of Hyperspectral Imaging, Electrical Engineering, May 2014.

  35. Drew Paylor, Second Order Statistics Target-Specified Virtual Dimensionality, Electrical Engineering, May 2014, senior engineer, Northop-Grumann.

  36. Hsiao-Chi Li, Growing Simplex Volume Analysis for Finding Endmembers in Hyperspectral Imagery, Electrical Engineering, May 2016, assistant professor, Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, Fu Jen Catholic University, New Taipei City, Taiwan, ROC.

  37. Cheng Gao, Endmember Variabliity for Hyperspectral Image Analysis, Electrical Engineering, May 2016.

  38. Yao Li, Recursive Band Processing Algorithms for Finding Unknown Targets in Hyperspectral Imagery, Electrical Engineering, December 2016, Amazon.com, Inc.

  39. Li-Chien Lee, Hyperspectral Band Selection by Virtual Dimensionality, Electrical Engineering, May 2018, Facebook, Inc.


  1. Leopold C. Fan, Computation of the Rate-Distortion Function for a Compact Class of Discrete Memoryless Sources,  May 1988.

  2. Xuan Luo, The Design of A Bus-Structured PC-Based Local Area Network, July 1988.

  3. Simon C. Fan, A Numerical Study of Calculating the Capacity of a Continuous-Input Discrete-Output Memoryless Channel, December 1989.

  4. Laurence Wolfe, First-Order Markov Source Matching Problems Revisited,  May 1990.

  5. Afshin M. Sadeghi, A Multi-sensor Active Sonar Application Using A Constrained Minimum Variance Beamformer, August 1992.

  6. Chih-Jen Chang, Subband Multistage Predictive Coding, May 1993.

  7. Yaqi Cheng, Multistage Predictive Pulse Code Modulation (MPCM), June 1993.

  8. Youguang Xu, Tricognitron: A New Approach to Neocognitron for Handwritten Alphanumeric Recognition, August 1993.

  9. Wen-Hsiang Lai, Progressive Image Transmission Using Embedded Quantization with a Pyramidal Structure, August 1993.

  10. Harish Gandhi, Methodologies in Handwritten Character Recognition,  May 1994.

  11. Jonghyuk Lee, Tracking a Maneuvering Target with Kinematic Constraints Using Interactive Multiple Mode Algorithm, August 1995.

  12. Richard Marvel, Multiscale Analysis for Feature Enhancement in Digital Mammography,  May 1996. 

  13. Xiaoli Zhao, Subspace Projection Approaches to Multispectral/Hyperspectral Image Classification Using Linear Spectral Mixture Modeling,  May 1996. 

  14. Mang Cao, Image Compression by Neural Networks, August 1996.

  15. Martin Pablo Cardirola, Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere Using a Raman Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) Instrument, September 1997. (co-advisor with Professor Melfi)

  16. Hsuan Ren, A Comparative Study of Mixed Pixel Classification Versus Pure Pixel Classification for Multi/Hyperspectral Imagery, May 1998.

  17. Sungshin Kwak, Real-Time Multi-Target Multi-Sensor Tracking for Data Fusion, May 2000.

  18. Y. Liao, Mass Detection in Mammography Using Texture Analysis, Department of Information Engineering, National Ceng Kung University, June 2002 (co-advisor with Professor Shu-Mei Guo)

  19. Mingkai Hsueh, Adaptive Causal Anomaly Detection and Its FPGA Implementation, August 2004.

  20. Bharath Ramakrishna, Principal Components Analysis-Based Spectral/Spatial Hyperspectral Image Compression, November 2004.

  21. Farzeen A. Chaudhary, Pixel Purity Index-Based Endmember Extraction For Hyperspectral Data Exploitation, July 2005.

  22. Yuanhong Wu, A Comparative Study and Analysis among Techniques for Diffusion Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging, August 2005.

  23. Weimin Liu, Supervised and Unsupervised Classification for Purude Indian Pines Test Site, November 2005.

  24. Chao-Cheng Wu, Exploration of Methods of Estimation on Number of Endmember, May 2006.

  25. Shih-Wei Wang, Exploring the Effectiveness of ICA with Classifier in Quantitative Volume Measurement of Brain MRI, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Chung Hsing University, July 2007. (co-advisor with Professor Yen-Chieh Ouyang)

  26. Yi-Hsiu Lee_._ Improving Brain Tissue Classification ICA+SVM of MRI Acquired with multiple-channel phase-Array Coil_,_Department of Electrical Engineering, National Chung Hsing University, July 2008. (co-advisor with Professor Yen-Chieh Ouyang)

  27. 27.   Ying-Cheng Lin, Development of Graphics User Interface for MRI Brain Imaging and Optimal Parameter Finding, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Chung Hsing University, July 2008. (co-advisor with Professor Yen-Chieh Ouyang)

  28. Wen-Qian. Su, Kernel Principal Component Analysis with Applications In Multispectral Brain Magnetic Resonance Image Analysis, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, July 2008. (co-advisor with Professor Chin Hsing Lo)

  29. Englin Mark Wong, Linear Spectral Unmixing Approaches to Magnetic Resonance Image Classification, October 2008.

  30. Keng.-Hao Liu, Exploration of Kernel-Based Principal Component Analysis for  Multispectral and Hyperspectral Image Processing, November 2008.

  31. Ganesh Saiprasad, Spleen Segmentation and Volume Estimation Using a Gradient Vecyor Flow-Based Snake Model, November 2008.

  32. Shih Yu. Chen, A Hyperspectral Imaging Approach to Unsupervised Magnetic Resonance Brain Tissue Classification, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Chung Hsing University, February 2010. (co-advisor with Professor Yen-Chieh Ouyang)


  1. Jianwei Wang, Image Segmentation Using Multistage Relative Entropy, December 1993.

  2. Qian Du, An Interference and Noise Adjusted Principal Components Analysis, May 1998.

  3. Shao-Shan Chiang, Subpixel Target Detection Using Projection Pursuit, May 1999.

  4. Rolando Herrero, Interaction between FLDA, RBFNN and Multilayer Perceptron, May 2001.

  5. Loius Ballester, A New Algorithm for Multithresholding Gray Level Images, December 2001.

  6. Songpo Yang, A Study on Purdue’s AVIRIS Indiana Pine Test Site, December 2004.

  7. Hao Hu, A Study on CALIC, December 2004.

  8. Jing Wang, Uniform Target Detection, May 2005.

  9. Qufei Wu, A Feasibility Study of Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) Concept Indexing In for Digital Library, December 2006.

  10. Yao Li, Microcalcifications and Mass Detection in Mammograms, Electrical Engineering, May 2014.

  11. Li-Chien Lee, Anomaly Detection and Categorization for Hyperspectral Imagery, December 2016.

  12. Adam Bekit, Unsupervised Hyperspectral Unmixing Using Compressive Sensing, December 2016.

  13. Berard Lampe, Unsupervised Band Selection Using Sparsity and Incoherence, December 2016.



  1. Adam Bekit, Compressive Sensing for Linear DSpectral Unmixing for Hyperspectral Imagery, Electrical Engineering.

  2. Marissa Hobbs, Electrical Engineering.

  3. Bernard Lampe, Compressive Sensing for Finding Endmembers Hyperspectral Imagery, Electrical Engineering.

  4. Chien-Yu Lin, Electrical Engineering.

  5. Charles Porta, Electrical Engineering.

  6. Bai Xue, Mixed Pixel-Based Approaches to Hyperspectral Image Classification, Electrical Engineering.




  1. Tomasz Macura, Visualization in Medicine: “Three-dimensional magnetic resonance breast imaging (3-D MR breast),” J. Undergraduate Research and Creative Works, UMBC Review, vol. 3, pp. 90-99, 2002.


  1. Hua-Lei Zhang,  Associate Chairman, Department of Radioelectronics, Anhui University, Anhui, China, August 1992-February 1993.

  2. Long-Yi Tsai, Professor and Chairman, Department of Mathematical Sciences, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan, September 1992-June 1993.

  3. Gwi Tae Park, Professor and Chair, Department of Electronics Engineering, Korea University, Korea, July 23 1996-August 31, 1997.

  4. Jih-Horng Lee, Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University, ROC, September 1, 1996-December 3, 1996.

  5. Huei-Jeng Lin, Professor and Chair, Department of Engineering Science and Ocean Engineering, National Taiwan University, January 2004-June 2004.

  6. Antonio J. Plaza, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of Extremadura, Spain, March 2003-November 2004.

  7. Ying Fu, Associate Professor, University of  Jinan, China, February 2011-August 2011.

  8. Chunhong Liu, Associate Professor,China Agriculture University,China, 1/2012-12/2012.

  9. Liaoying Zhao, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, Hangzhou Dianzi University, China, 3/13-8/13.

  10. Meiping Song, Associate Professor, Information and technology college, Dalian Maritime University, 9/13-8/14.

  11. Lin Wang, Associate Professor,Xidian University, Xian,China, April, 2015-April 2016.

  12. Zhisheng Liu, Assistant Chief Engineer and Assistsnt to President,Changchun Institute of Urban Planning and Design, September 2015-August 2016

  13. Guoming Sung, Professor, Department of Engineering Engineering, National Taipei University of Technology, September 2018-February 2019.

  14. Qiang Wang, Assistant Professor, Information and technology college, Dalian Maritime University, 9/18-8/19.