January 12, 2012 Minutes

January 12, 2012 Minutes

Maryland History and Culture Collaborative (MHCC)
January 12, 2012 - Towson University Albert S. Cook Library, Hosted by Nadia Nasr

10:30-12:00: Tour Albert S. Cook Library and recently renovated Special Collections facilities

12:00 - 1:00: Lunch

1:00 p.m. Begin Meeting

I. Welcome

II. Introductions 


  • Nadia Nasr

  • Adam Youssi 

  • Jennifer Neumyer

  • Lynn Waller

  • Nancy Perlman

  • Barbara Kellner

  • Katherine Hayes

  • Doug McElrath

  • Robert Shindle

  • Bill Cady

  • Aiden Faust

  • Kristen Welzenbach

  • Melissa Straw

  • Lindsey Loeper

  • Iris Bierlein

  • Jenny Ferretti

  • Martha Ruff

  • Phil Deloria

  • Amy Federman

  • Phoebe Evans Letocha

  • Kelly Spring

  • Jim Stimpert

  • Emily Rafferty

  • Jason Domasky

  • Susan Thompson

  • Jill Craig

  • Anne Turkos

  • Jennie Levine Knies

  • Tom Beck

III. MHCC Online Content Development Group update & feedback (Lindsey Loeper of UMBC - Lead)

  1. Wiki subgroup name changed to "Online Content Development"

  2. Lindsey requests attendees volunteer to evaluate new software to host the new MHCC site in redevelopment

  3. Lindsey informs the 2011 spring/summer MHCC newsletter hosted  results of an early poll about the MHCC wiki site.

  4. Upon questioning, Lindsey comments site is intended to share content, brainstorm, and collaborate between repositories.

  5. Site is also intended to host a blog, share news about respective repositories/events, and provide reference to potential researchers

    1. Questions arise whether a single site can/should accomplish all of the above.

    2. Should the site be primarily a repository and collections listing for public researchers, or for MHCC internal collaborative use, or both?

    3. Comments made that two sites may be needed to accomplish all these goals.  One attendee recommends Ning.com as a focused social network for MHCC internal correspondence, while simultaneously preserving the website for general public/promotional use.                                         

IV. Civil War in Your Attic (Lead - Michael Scott, Enoch Pratt)

  1. Updates

    1. Four scanning events complete

    2. One upcoming in Westminster

    3. One upcoming at Towson U. on March 10, 2012

    4. One upcoming in Western, MD

    5. One upcoming in Southern, MD

  2. Total 65 items scanned at present and available online at www.mdch.org/civilwar

  3. Question whether program should be expanded to include WWI or other historic events/timeframes - perhaps not now but in the future.

  4. Noted that Civil War in Your Attic is the first major MHCC collaboration effort throughout Maryland, with little-to-no budget to support it. 

  5. Suggested that MHCC members should solicit reenactors, historical societies, and other groups with dedicated members/membership rosters.

V. Discussion of Possible MHCC collaborative traveling Civil War Exhibit

Would the exhibit focus on Maryland or expand into the Civil War as a whole?  

  1. While the Maryland Historical Society is hosting an exhibit on Maryland in the Civil War, they suggests there is plenty more available, some overlap is not a problem given this would be traveling, and that they have many more items in storage.

  2. Possible topic of Maryland's emancipation as a focus for the border state.

  3. Consensus was positive for this potential - future discussion needed.

VI. Closing updates - Judges needed for Maryland History Day in March, 2012.