Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

Adding and Deleting Resources in EDS

The eresources that can be added directly to EDS are entire databases. The EDS administrator needs to go into Ebsco Admin and pick an active profile (ours are currently onesearch, articles2 and media2) for which the given resource is relevant. For example, a database of reference books from Sage might need to be enabled in ‘onesearch’ (all resources) and possibly ‘media2’ (Books and Media), but it would not need to be enabled in ‘articles’.  Databases are enabled by going to the ‘databases’ tab, then going to the ‘disabled’ list, and toggling on the desired database and saving.  Not all databases will be present in the EDS list.  If you think it should be or you just want to make sure, call EBSCO at 1-800-758-5995 to check.

Once a database has been enabled, it needs to be checked.  If the database in question has a native vendor platform (most do), go to that platform and pull up several results.  Then search for those results in EDS.  See if the result appears, and if the link to full-text works. If the link to full text does not work or does not appear, call EBSCO and see if their links (Full Text Finder or Linked Full Text) are supposed to catch it.  If they are, report it as a problem.  If they’re not, ask them if they have a ‘partner database’ link that we can use, and if they do, to put it in the custom link lineup for that profile. If they say we already have one, then that link needs fixing. After they say they’ve fixed it, check to see that the link appears and works.

If the database in question does not have a native platform, do a broad search (such as scien* or pers*) in EDS, limit to the database in question under ‘content provider’ at the bottom left of the results page, then test links as above. 

Individual items (such as a serial title), or packages of titles that are either smaller than an entire database or are not available as an EBSCO Partner database (such as titles from Cell or Nature) are added indirectly to EDS through EBSCO Holdings Management (HLM), which is accessible through Ebsco Admin. More about that in the next section.

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian