Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

Circulating Laptops UNDER CONSTRUCTION

Creating new bibliographic records for Laptops and Chargers Circulated by Circulation (created for Circulation 201908)

All minimum locally created bibliographic records need an STA tag value of PROVISIONAL. Those that are also suppressed will have a second STA tag with value of SUPPRESSED.

Circulating through the Check out Desk

Public records for laptops – visible in OPAC, patrons may place hold. Suppressed records are not visible in OPAC, patrons may not place holds. 

All chargers are on SUPPRESSED records 

Bib record

  • separate bib records for type of laptop–Dell, MacBook, Chromebook, etc.

  • separate records for chargers

STA field–you can have multiple STA fields on a bib record

  • All bib records for these materials have STA of PROVISIONAL

  • All bib records for chargers also have STA of SUPPRESSED 

  • Some bib records for laptops also have STA of SUPPRESSED. These are laptops that may NOT have holds placed on them. Ask Circ personnel if not clear. 






Record status


Bib level


Character coding scheme


Descriptive cataloging form


Type of record

Type of control


Encoding level


Linked record req.


008 field





Date 1


Date 2


Place of pub




Cataloging source




245 Title – begin with UMBC then add brand, other info as appropriate 

  • UMBC Chromebook Charger No Holds

  • UMBC Chromebook No Holds 

  • UMBC Dell Charger

  • UMBC Dell Laptop

$h [equipment]

$c company name

/ $c HP

/ $c Dell

246 3_   add as you see fit to improve retrieval

  • Dell Laptop

  • Dell Latitude Laptop

  • Latitude E6440 Laptop

  • HP Chromebook

  • Hewlitt Packard Chromebook

300  $a 1 whatever it is

  • 1 laptop

  • 1 charger

OWN field  $a SHARED

Item record









Material Type

LAPC (for laptop)

EQP (for charger)

Item Status

37 (for charger, no holds, 4 hours)

38 (for charger, holds, 3 days)

34 (for laptop, no holds, 4 hours)

02 (for laptop, holds)

Holding record

Suppressed records for some laptops and for all chargers – not visible in OPAC, patron cannot place hold. Suppress in BIB, and HOL. 

Creating new items on new records when there are existing items and records (created for Circulation 20190819)

This work done at request of Circulation Manager (Aug 2019) to deal with issue of slow loading items. These items had very high circulation numbers and it slowed the loading of the items on check in and check out. The old items are not deleted to preserve circulation statistics. The New items are identified with the old items ONLY via the system supplied barcodes that are placed in the Internal Note field of the new item record. This is not searchable data. To compile statistics, pull up the new item record by scanning barcode on the item, copy the barcode on the old record from the Internal Note field, pull up the old item by this barcode. Add the stats from the two items. Initially, laptops and chargers were on the same bib record. Circulation Manager also requested the chargers be moved to a separate bib record due to display issues with an availability web page and kiosk displays.  

Open Notepad or document—you will be copying text and pasting it here for use in another record.

Search by title for the NEW bib records for the appropriate equipment, and push to Catalog.

                Ex: UMBC Dell laptop

                      UMBC Dell charger                  

For Laptops—for each laptop there will be a laptop record and a charger record. Do the LAPTOP first.

Scan barcode on LAPTOP. This will pull up the item on the old record.

On Item tab 2, delete barcode, update to get system supplied barcode

Copy this system supplied barcode and paste in Notepad or document.

Type “Barcode on old record” in front of the system supplied barcode, follow the barcode with a semicolon. This will be the beginning of your new Internal note.

     Ex: Barcode on old record B008354977;

Go to tab 3

Copy Internal Note and paste in Notepad following the barcode information. This will be text with serial number, tag, etc.

    Ex: Barcode on old record B008354977; 36849835550, 00862463, DoIT, tag#862463, serial GXFFV32, LibPC8

Copy Circ Note, if there is one, and paste in Notepad as a separate line. This will be text about condition of equipment.

    Ex: Center mouse track button is missing & small dent on right side -rear cover

Go to the NEW bib record for the laptop.

There should already be an item record there with a system supplied barcode that you can use. This will supply your default values for all of the laptop items you are creating. If there isn’t one, go to Librarian.

On Item tab 2, scan in the barcode. This will update the record.

Go to tab 3

Paste in the notes that you have from the old record. Careful to get them into the appropriate note field. There should be an Internal Note with the barcode information and serial number. There might be a Circ Note.

Update the item record.

For additional items on this same bib record, use the Duplicate button. Paste in the barcode, and notes.

Scan the barcode on the charger

Delete the barcode from the item record, update to get the system supplied barcode.

There are no notes to copy for the chargers, there is no need to copy the system supplied barcode.

Go to the NEW charger record.

There should already be an item record there with a system supplied barcode that you can use. This will supply your default values for all of the charger items you are creating. If there isn’t one, go to Librarian.

On Item tab 2, scan in the barcode. This will update the record.

For additional items on this same bib record, use the Duplicate button. Scan in the barcode.  



Circulating through LITS 

   Laptops to circulate to Staff only

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian