How do I convert my Original course shell to Ultra?

At this time, Blackboard shells are created using the Original course view with the Ultra course preview enabled. If you have already adopted Ultra and wish to continue to use Ultra, you will need to enable Ultra in your course.


If you do not see the orange pencil to convert your course, please make sure your course is not available to students.

  • A red lock will appear at the top of your course on the same row as the Ultra course conversion tool and the student preview icon.

  • If your course is open to students, the lock will be dark gray and the orange pencil is not visible.

Tell Me

  1. On the Courses page, select the Complete or Make Private icon on the course card.

    Make course private
    Make course private

  2. Select the Experience the new Learn icon in the top-right corner of the page. 


  3. In the pop-up window, start the conversion to the Ultra Course View.


  4. During the conversion process, you will not have access to the course until Blackboard is finished.


  5. You will receive an email notification when your course is ready. 


  6. From the Courses page, access your course again. You can ignore conversion exceptions from the course template.


  7. Select Use the Ultra course

    Again, you will receive an email when your course is converted.

    After you make the conversion permanent, you can remove existing content, copy content from another Ultra course, create new content, and open the course to students when you're ready.