Quarterly Certification by Supervisor

*This form is for internal use for the Supervisor and Reviewer.


This form is a working departmental review prior to VP/Deans official submission of Pcard quarterly review. Completed documents are stored in a Box folder allocated to each area identified for this process.


  1. Supervisor name and email are auto populated from sign in.

  2. Select option from drop down box:


  • Required Reviewer only – form goes to directly to Department Reviewer designated.

  • Optional Additional Reviewer – form will go to Additional Reviewer designated.

  • Optional FYI Notification – email notification goes to FYI person designated.


  1. Enter College or Division:

    1. Enter Reviewer name and email.

    2. Optional Entry:
              i.      Additional Reviewer if desired OR
             ii.      FYI Notification person if desired.


As always, the following fields are required:


1.  Quarter being reported


2.  P-card Holder Name(s)


3.  Initial Verifications


4.  Department Name at the bottom