Obs: Roy, Tara, Onkar, Gabriel, Olivia
AstroPol: Katie, Ian, Shrey, Meyer via discord
Guest: insert that guy's name here
PHYS 401, 433C, Dome
- calibration frames with picsarr instrument
- look at stuff
- began calibration frames
- having issues with data drive uploading to google and also writing data from sharpcap
- temp solution: pause google drive syncing
- semi-perm solution: replace data drive with SSD for faster read/write speeds
- single files are 126gb, not good
- temp solution: stole external SSD from astropol, using as intermediary drive
- calibration done
- Timing test (at 12ms)
- says its error is at 120 μs (this is bad I am told)
- Meyer says this is likely the result of another issue
- 1st turn down LED brightness and do a 120s series
- after correcting speed now it is 5.2 μs(much better)
- next trial after LED dimming is 114 μs data unclear
- Time to Observe
- brightness:40 ,exposure:12ms, filter:g', bin:1, file .ser
- Slew to Vega
- found in Finder Scope(FS)
- finding in Main Scope(MS) up exposure to 100ms
- guess who did not open mirror doors (its us)
- found vega
- exposure:12ms, LED:3,
- set up auto-guiding
- Take capture 240s, full frame, exposure 12μs, file name:(vega full fov)
- LED too bright change to 4
- change exposure time to 3.5s, file: .fits
- change exposure time to 10s, file: .fits
- change capture area to 1200x400, exposure:12ms, pan:48, tilt:838 , gain:200 take 240s 12ms file:vega 1200x400.ser and file:vega 1200x400.fits
- want left image exposition at x: 900 y:192
- dome decided to go 180 degree
- Slew to Vi Cyg 12 mag is 11.4 and exposure must be 12ms so cannot see
- change LED to 7 gain:500
- take one 2 minute capture,pan:48, tilt:848, file name:HIP 1013641200x400 400ms.ser
- can still see is exposure is 400 ms and LED is 4 but just barely
- new capture
- take one 2 minute capture,pan:48, tilt:848, file name:HIP 1013641200x400 12ms.ser
- slew to HD 212311 gain:200 LED:4 take one 4minute 12ms exposure
- Take off PICSARR
- Slew to m57
- Onkar put on color cam
- correction: color cam already installed on tertiary scope
- Close up time
- need data solution asap, preferably fast storage in the form of SSD if we plan on continuing to have data syncing to Google Drive
- need observing plan ahead of time to move things along faster
- if using picsarr or similar instrument, folks should arrive sooner as it was discovered calibration of the instrument takes a long hecking time
- data storage solution
- finderscope mod plate cad (onkar knows what this is)
- data drive and external SSD drive
- both should be synced to google
AT 2100h:
- 22C roof
- humidity: 40%
- cold