When books arrive from Cataloging, place them on the "NEW BOOKS TO PROCESS" shelf. When ready to process, retrieve books from that shelf and follow these procedures:
o We use archival ink that we acquire from the Library of Congress (which is located in Room 110 in the office supply cabinet).
o Use the smallest of the three stamps with the circular Library logo on it.
o Choose from one of the few beginning pages of the book, primarily a page with only print.
o Stamp the book as close to the gutter as possible, preferably at the bottom of the right page.
o Blot the stamp with a scrap piece of paper before you close the book to ensure the ink is dry and will not smudge the other page.
o If the book is mostly photographs or full bleed images, please see the librarian or chief curator for guidance.
Covering the book jacket:
o Any book that has a book jacket requires a pH neutral glassine cover.
o Take a large piece of glassine (located in Room 103 in the Map Case Drawer marked "Glassine").
o Also, obtain the paper knife (located in Room 110 in the office supply cabinet).
Check the OPAC (the library-wide catalog) to make sure that the information is correct:
o Go to Advanced Search.
o Choose UMBC as the campus.
o Do a LC call number search.
o Ensure that the record for Special Collections matches the typed tag with the materials and the book in hand.
Check the book for any inscription, such as the author's signature
o If it is signed by the author, check in the OPAC to make sure that there is a note in the catalog record
Shelve the book in its proper location