Creating and posting the job description:
- Work with Business Services Manager to complete Hiring Exception Form, if needed.
- Create long version and short version of job description/advertisement.
- Update or create position description, as needed.
- Library Administration is responsible for submitting all necessary documentation to the UMBC Human Resources Department.
- Library Administration is responsible for posting the job advertisement to the Chronicle of Higher Education, ALA, and Marylib. The Web Services Librarian should post the ad to the Library website.
Creating and initiating the search committee:
- Department chair is chair of the search committee and should send a list of suggested members of the committee to the library director. The library director makes final decisions as to the committee's composition.
- Use the UMBC Mailing List Services site to create a email list for the committee.
- Share relevant documents in
- Library Administration receives, organizes, and copies resumes for all members of the committee.
- Give committee one week to review applications.
- Chair will set meeting after the week of application review – BRING CALENDARS. Determine ranked list of applicants you wish to call for a phone interview. Determine dates/times available for phone interview. Finalize phone interview questions.
- Chair contacts Admin (Jill) with list of names and times/dates of possible phone interviews. Jill contacts applicants and offers them the interviews.
- After phone interviews, committee determines ranked list of applicants to bring in and possible dates for interviews. LW must be available for those dates.
- Candidates selected following the phone interviews should be contacted to ask permission to contact their references.
- Contact references by email or phone. Ask similar questions for all candidates. If contacted by phone, it is recommended that two committee members are present for the conversation.
- Send list of applicants and dates to Admin (Jill). Let Jill know the topic of the presentation and remind her to arrange for dinner. Jill will contact applicants and make arrangements. Admin handles all travel arrangements.
- Chair books 259 for anticipated interview dates.
- Chair sends personal email to selected applicants (after Jill contacts them), with little details (about airport, etc) and promises to send schedule of interview day.
- Chair prepares interview schedules.
- Chair sends message to kuhn list advertising presentations. Later sends message soliciting feedback. Compiles feedback and share with committee.
- Full day interview includes dinner (usually the evening before) and lunch that day. Dinner reimbursement includes applicant and two committee members. Lunch reimbursement includes applicant only. An itemized receipt is required for full reimbursement.
- Paperwork set to Admin to archive of all committee members (or at least chair): coversheet, notes from phone interview, notes from personal interview, feedback from presentation.
- Chair schedules meeting with committee to select candidate and rank others. Committee determines order and why they were not selected, and if anyone is an acceptable 2nd choice.
- Chair gets references for selected applicant (usually only first choice) after interviews. Send request in email, send responses to committee members.
- Chair writes letter of recommendation for Larry. Must clarify order of applicants, why those not chosen were not chosen, and if 2nd choice is worth pursuing. Wording is very important. Every committee member must initial. If decision is not unanimous, state “majority of committee members decided on X.”
- When delivering letter to Larry, tell him how “hard” to pursue this candidate. In other words, how much we should be willing to negotiate.
- Larry makes phone call to candidate and gives offer/negotiates salary.
- After applicant has verbally accepted offer, Jill sends all other applicants a rejection letter. Chair can also call/email those interviewed to touch base.