2008-2011 Titles only from the following publishers:
- Cambridge University Press
- Elsevier Ltd.
- Harvard University Press
- Johns Hopkins University Press
- Oxford University Press
- Princeton University Press
- University of Chicago Press
- Yale University Press
Deduping criteria
Approx. 6800 ISBNs (both 10- and 13-digit) taken from a requested Shelf List report limited to above publishers and dates.
Record sources
1) Title-by-title purchasing only: EBL records, OCLC records or YBP records (if you plan to go through them).
PREFERRED 2) Demand driven acquisitions: EBL records if you use a EBL profile; YBP records if you profile through them. We can also facilitate ordering OCLC records if you absolutely need those records. Ordering OCLC records is a manual process on our part so it's a case-by-case basis at this point.
You can view some sample EBL records at http://ebl.wufoo.com/forms/sample-free-ebl-marc-records/.
Info from EBL: http://blog.eblib.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/OCLC-WCP-Cataloging-Program.pdf
For titles that you purchase directly from EBL, you can download records (in a mrc format) from your EBL admin portal. If you want OCLC records for purchased titles I can send you instructions on how to set that up in the OCLC service center (this would have to be done after we setup your EBL account).
If you establish a demand-driven profile directly with EBL then records will automatically be sent to you on a regular basis (e.g. weekly, monthly, quarterly - the schedule is your choice). If you want OCLC records for a demand driven program (either for an EBL or YBP profile) then we'll manually order the records. When you receive OCLC you'll get notified from them when the records are ready for pickup.
Alison Bobal <alison.bobal@eblib.com>