- Picnic is Friday June 10th
- Student Party is May 13th - Darlene will be collecting $5 for pizza and have a sign up sheet for snacks
- There is a plan for the Library to hand out cookies to students for exams - likely the day before the reading day. All are welcome to help.
- Larry has set up a MyUMBC group in order to provide construction updates.
- The kiosk will possible be used for updates as well.
- Furniture selections have been posted.
- Construction is set to begin May 31st, clearing for the area will take place the week before.
- SGA has provided funds for a hydration station.
- Discussion is ongoing with OIT about moving a help desk to the library to provide support for RLC and other OIT run computers in the library.
- The supplies vending machine is going well, possibility another will be added in the RLC.
LEC Retreat:
- June 14th - will announce topics when available
- The organization chart on the website is outdated, needs to be easier to find.
Webinar: Today, 1-2:30 in room 353. Good for anyone interested in new discovery tools.
Windows 7: No time line - Lynda will look into this. Do not update if you use Content DM.