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ITD loads monthly MARCIVE files in the following order:

• On receipt: load the combined files of records for e (Internet only)-documents: full followed by changed.
• Load the file of tangible monograph records: full followed by changed, after the weekly SLS file is loaded. (The files of full and changed records are usually received on a Tuesday or a Wednesday, holding the load of the tangible files until after the weekly SLS files have been received and loaded ensures that any full records in the monthly file overlay items received in the SLS file on Thursdays.)

*I. E-only records load (including monos, serials, and changes):*

• BC WWW HOL and item are created automatically and XPT tag added to the bib. record upon load.
• No processing work is required. The Database Management Librarian does cursory check for each load.

*II. Full mono records load:*

Make a print out of the Loader report:
• Point the browser to:
• Highlight the date of report to print
• Choose an Institution: highlight UMBC from the list
• Change page setup to landscape
• Click "Get Report"
• Click the print icon

*A. "New Records":*

• Search by MAI01 system number in global Catalog.
• Search by 086 (subfield "z" also if present) in the Search Tab by copying 086 in the record and pasting it in the search box.

A.I. If a single match is found:

1. Create appropriate BC item and HOL according to the 049 code if needed. (BC HOL and item may have been moved from a SLS record by Cheryl Schill at CP).

Consult Depository Shipping List (the shipping list no. is in a 500 field in the bib. record) to verify item received and/or item status if necessary.

HOL: 852 3_ $b BC-BC
$c appropriate collection code
$h SuDoc number from 086 $a
(If 086 z is present, make sure the SuDoc nunber in HOL matches what we have on the piece.)

See MARCIVE Codes for appropriate collection codes, material types, and item statuses

o Items with SuDoc number Y4 ... 049 may be coded MUBD but we receive in MF format. Add MF HOL and Item to the record for the print version.

o If multiple formats are cataloged on the same record, DCWWW HOL and Item are automatically created upon load. XPT tag is automatically added to the bib. record. If BC receives other format, HOL and Item for the other format have to be created manually.

2. Add XPT tag if needed (check to see if there is one already)

A.II. If multiple matches are found:

o Items with SuDoc number Y...: if SLS record for microfiche and full record for print are found, move BC DCMFH HOL and item to the full record for print. Add XPT tag to the bib. record if needed. Delete the SLS record for microfiche if no other holding is attached to it. Do not delete SLS record for print, notify Cheryl Schill ( for deletion.

If other holdings (including CP) are still attached to the SLS record, notify Cheryl Schill ( to move holdings and delete the dup SLS record. Notify individual library contacts to move their holdings if CP holding is no longer attached to the SLS record.

o All other cases, consult the Database Management Librarian.

B. "Records overlaid by incoming records" (includes both SLS overlays and full record overlays). The loader report shows the records in USMAI before they were overlaid.

Check for the presence of 035 9 BC ... (full record overlays) or 049 MUB... (both full and SLS overlays)

B.I. If no:
Search by SuDoc number (086 z also if present)

• If a single match is found, follow the same instructions in A.I.

Majority of items with SuDoc number Y4... should have been cleaned up by Cheryl at CP.)

• If multiple matching records are found, follow the same instructions in A.II.

B.II. If yes: skip it. No further processing is needed.

C. "No XPT": XPT tag should have been added after Sections A and B are processed. Check if not sure.

The following sections need no further processing:

D. "Def HOL created"
E. "Def Item created"
F. "New w/o HOL"
G. "New w/o Item"

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