Spaces Occupied
- Find and understand adapter plates for planetary CMOS
- Look at ZTF
- Collect tracking sensitivity frames for analysis
- Determine ZTF positions
- Found ThorLabs LCP8S and SM2 IMT (TMA4) for planetary CMOS
- Began thermalizing dome
- Dome shutters opened via ASCOM Dome Control Panel on first try
- Connecting Deep-Sky CMOS to finderscope
- Connecting planetary CMOS to on-axis port
- Navigated to "Outlet Control" in Bookmarks bar, logged in and turned on power to Outlet 1
- Opened SharpCap, it connected to Deep Sky CMOS without issue over icron USB extender
- While dealing with finding the right adapter for the planetary CMOS, we slewed to the Moon (See captures)
- Then went to Jupiter, but began to encounter clouds
- We tried to determine the average FWHM, but only with camera settings
- Went to Aldebaran
- manually adjusted focus on finder scope
- Finally figured out how to connect planetary CMOS to main scope
- Went back to Zenith, disabled tracking
- Opened Mirror Doors
- Slewed to Aldebaran and enabled tracking
- Main Scope view didn't see anything but noise
- Finderscope saw Aldebaran
- Changed focus on main scope to, minimizing FWHM of Aldebaran
- Pointed at Mars, focus is at 2075
- Stored Mars object position (DFM TCS → Initialization → Telescope Position → hit "Use next object position" and hit apply)
- Slewed to Beetlejuice
- Slewed to M42
- Roy turned off the vnc service Gabriel was connected to and didn't enable it again. Gabriel is very mad.
- Attempting to slew to comet ZTF, using sidereal tracking rate
- Pointed the finder scope to ZTF, can't confirm if main telescope is pointed to it.
- All of our cameras are more sensitive to green spectrum of light
Camera Connection CONUNDRUM
- Planetary CMOS connected via LBD2 not appearing in SharpCap
- Connected planetary CMOS via Icron USB Extender and it worked