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titleIf you teach in ORIGINAL


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  1. On the Course Menu, under Course Management, click Grade Center.

  2. Click Full Grade Center.

  3. Select the double-down arrows next to the name of the Assignment you wish to download.

  4. Select Assignment File Download.

  5. Select All or select individual students’ files.

  6. Click Submit and then download the .zip archive.


If you get an error message when downloading the .zip file, you have an illegal character in the actual assignment name. For example, if your assignment is named Project #1, you will not be able to bulk download your students' papers.

To fix this, click on the content area in the course menu where the assignment is located. Click the double-down arrows next to the assignment name and then click Edit Column Information. Remove any characters that are not letters, numbers, or spaces and click Submit.

For more information about special characters in Blackboard, see this article.

Recommended Article

Using Special Characters in Filenames and Titles

titleIf you teach in ULTRA


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  1. Select Gradebook from the course menu at the top of the page.

  2. Select the download option from these areas in the gradebook:

    List Gradable Items view: Item's Submissions page → menu in the header row
    Grades or Grid view: Item's menu

  3. On the Download Assessment Files page, select the Name or Date column header to sort the submissions

  4. Select the check box next to the Name column to select all submissions or select submissions individually.

    • If you select all, only submissions with files and text provided by students in the editor are included in the ZIP file. 

    • If you allowed multiple attempts, the files for all attempts for each student are included.

  5. Select Create ZIP File to start the process.

  6. In the pop-up box, select Send. The file is created in the background and you automatically return to the Submissions list page or grid view. The process takes a few moments based on the size of the file.

  7. After you receive an email when the ZIP file is ready, click the Download now link.

  8. After you unzip the file, a folder appears with files for each submission. Usernames are included automatically in the file names for easy identification.