Function: To establish overall direction of the Library & Gallery , including budget, guidelines, strategic planning and operationsin matters of library business. Decisions will be by consensus, and where consensus does not occur the LEC shall be advisory to the Director.
Membership: Ten senior staff, as follows: Director, Associate Director(s), Acquisition Librarian, Database Management Librarian/LIMS Coordinator, Chief Curator, Circulation Systems Librarian, Collection Management Librarian, Head of Reference, Serials Librarian.Directors, and Library Budget Officer
Meetings: As needed, at least once per month.twice monthly
Function: Discussion and advising on guidelines, services, programs, and strategic planning; sharing information with staff; advancement of staff knowledge base and skills; development of mentoring and professional growth opportunities.
Membership: All Library & Gallery staff, i.e. Library persons employed on a regular or contingent basis.
Meetings: Quorum is 25% of eligible staff. Self-governing, with monthly meetings. (See "UMBC Library Governance Proposal" posted under LibDocs/plans/consultant report). Assembly elects its Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary.