For all work, first ensure that the set was handled appropriately. If it's an update, ensure only the last 2 years have been processed. If works are to have been parked, ensure that they have been and that the appropriate portion has been added. If works are attached to the Workast task, ensure that they've been appropriately processed.
Check Processing
- If works are lined out, ensure that they actually should have been lined out., if the works are duplicates, check to see if the record should have been updated, and if it's being updated, that the everything that should be updated are included. With everything else, for people experienced with processing, only check every few (approximately 1 in 5 or 1 in 10) unless errors are found.
Check Processing
- See if the work is a fed gov doc and if it's been correctly identified as such or not on the document. Check the document for an SS indicating the work has been added to spreadsheet. If not, check for a version that should have been added. If it's on the spreadsheet, check that appropriate rights note has been selected, and that the the Creative Commons Public Domain mark has been filled into the CC license fields.
- See if the work is on a Creative Commons license and if it's been correctly identified as such or not. There should always be an SS indicating it's on the spreadsheet. Check that the CC license on the spreadsheet matches the CC license on the work.
- See if the work's publisher is included in Policies on file. If so, check that the document indicates what version we can add. Check the document for an SS indicating the item is on the spreadsheet. If not, search the item to see if there's a version available that should have been added. If it's on the spreadsheet, check that the version being added is one that the publisher allows us to add, and that all of the publisher requirements have been included.
Check the Formats, Versions, and Publisher
- Check that the format is correct and complete
- Check that the version matches the version of the work that we're adding.
- Check that the publisher is correct.
- Ensure that any citation provided by the publisher has been copied and pasted in the Word document, and if the publisher provides a Chicago option, that it's been selected.
- If the publisher hasn't supplied a citation, ensure that the citation style is appropriate for the format, that it's complete, and that all punctuation is correct.
Complete Work
- If there is work that you know how to do that person who's work your checking doesn't know how to do, complete it.