Library PC PCard holders:
Accounting & Receiving
Christina Williams
default chart string 1111-10225-041
$3 $4,500999.00 limit per single transaction
$15$8,000.00 limit per monthly billing cycle
default chart string 1113-10225-041 CV390000
$2 $4,500999.00 limit per single transaction
$12$6,000.00 limit per monthly billing cycle
default chart string 1111-10225-041-7110711
$3$4,500999.00 limit per single transaction
$12$8,000.00 limit per monthly billing cycle
default chart string 1111-10225-041-7110710
$4,999.00 limit per single transaction
$22$11,000.00 limit per monthly limit monthly billing cycle
Jennifer Fitch
default chart string 1111-10225-041-7110710
$4,999.00 limit per single transaction transaction
$13,000 limit per monthly billing cycle
Tom Beck
default chart string 1111-10462-041
$4,999.00 limit per single transaction
$5,000.00 limit per monthly billing cycle
Linda Durkos
Default chart string 1111-10225-041 - 7029900
$3,000 limit per monthly billing cycle
Policy and General Procedures
1. UMBC Purchasing Card Program, Policies and Procedures, User's Guide (most recent version)
Receipt of Goods
To meet audit requirements for separation of duties, a staff member other than the cardholder and other than the cardholder's supervisor must sign for receipt of goods and services.
See current list of authorized signatures for staff members with authority to sign for receipt of goods and services. The cardholder and staff member authorized to sign off on receipts work together to verify goods received.
After verifying that goods and services have been received as ordered, the authorized signer stamps the receipt or packing list that serves as a receipt with "goods & services" stamp and signs and dates as appropriate.
If goods were picked up in person, the credit transaction slip needs to be stamped with the "goods & services" stamp and signed.
Cardholder then complete the cardholder Transaction Log:date receivedinitials of authorized signer The original receipt with the original "goods & services" stamp and signatures placed in the Cardholder Transaction Log envelope, the log is marked to indicate "Receipt/Packing Slip Enclosed; a copy of the stamped and signed receipt is placed in the purchase folderThe folder.
The expenditure must be entered into the library shadow system, or Aleph, depending of the fund and account number.
Operating fund expenditures go into the A&R Operating Expense Ledger.
Revolving fund expenditures go into A&R Revenue/Expense Ledger.
Monographs - 7110710 and Serials - 7110711 are to be entered on Aleph; they must be paid in Aleph after they appear on Aleph R status report; they are on P status report next day. The
The folders need to be filed in the closed files according to existing file system: alphabetical order for Monographs and Serials; account numbers for Operating, Revolving and all other funds.