First, add a column at the end of the spreadsheet with the label “notes.”
Google the UMBC author to see if you can determine when they started and stopped working at UMBC. Please note that retiring doesn’t mean they left UMBC, as most retired faculty continue to have the Emeritus Faculty status and remain affiliated with UMBC for the remainder of their lives, and many continue to write works after they retire. Check a few records for before they came to UMBC--if their affiliation on the works confirms they weren’t at UMBC at that time, you can then remove records from before they started at UMBC. Do the same for records after they left UMBC, and if you confirm when they left, you can remove records for more than 2 years after they left UMBC.
Sort by the Times Cited, All Databases column in descending order so items that have been cited the most are at the top.
Then hide all the columns except authors, author Full Names, Article Title, Addresses, Affiliations, Email Addresses, Times Cited All Databases, publication year, DOI Link, and notes. For each line on the spreadsheet, open the DOI link.