- Figure out auto-guider
- Get something other than "99 0 0" to be shown
- Determine how to collect guider data on CC
- Show Kasra the Moon and Mars
- Test Mirror Doors
- Autoguider CCD is affixed on-axis
- We will turn off all lights in dome and follow SBIG ST4 Manual: Quick Start Guide (pgs 4-7; https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eZHGE03GMtdPJj9Op_cJs9yjb29Hh9o2/view?usp=share_link)
- After plugging in Guider CCD to ST4, it showed "99 0 0"
- Cardboard box is covering light baffle
- Connor and Shrey are trying to find a set of settings that gives ANY other value for the readout, other than "99 0 0"
- EA (Exposure Adjust) was set to its lowest value (0.1s)
- b (Boost Factor) was set to its lowest value (1)
- BA (Brightness Adjustment) was set to its normal value (A), which only collects data from one pixel
- As opposed to "F" which sums the pixel value along with its eight neighbors
- Connor and Shrey took a Dark Frame, and then switched back to "Find and Focus".
- The display then showed "0 0 0"
- This makes sense since the Dark Frame is subtracted from the value
- We don't know where the adapters are for the planetary camera ↔ GAM-lite.
- Second DC monitor is not on. Primary monitor is flickering.
- There is no set of caps/coverings for filter wheel. We feel weird leaving it in a rando
- There are concerns over the lower shutter overdriving after closing, but still driving until upper shutter closes
- Might have located MEADE telescope cover