1. Check for damage and report to Business Manager.
2. Move Seminar Chairs back into Seminar room. Take most other chairs out of Seminar room, leaving 4 – 6 Jasper chairs along the glass wall.
3. Straighten/neaten furniture and redistribute it evenly throughout.
4. Maintain 2 walking aisles, entrance to back, minimum 6 feet wide:
One 8 feet from windows and one 8 feet from elevator/stair core.
5. Move round and square tables without rollers into Vending area; place Jasper chairs with each table. Move chairs with rollers out of vending area. Neaten table and chair arrangement.
6. Check for cracked, missing or damaged plastic boxes on white boards and replace as needed. Velcro and replacement boxes are stored in Director's Office closet.
7. Check labels on white boards monthly and replace any damaged or missing. (labels have image of dry erase marker on them; available from Admin Offices Admin Assistant.)
8. Monthly: check nuts which secure wheels (the wheels which have a white center) to legs of tables and whiteboards; tighten any which are not tight.
1. Maintain average of 2 to 4 dry erase markers per whiteboard, in plastic holders, point down.
2. Maintain 1 dry erase eraser per whiteboard, in plastic holders.
3. Clean dry erase erasers: when material is caked on them, scrape with edge of a letter
opener, holding over a trash basket. This is much better than washing. When worn out or broken, replace.
4. Order supplies 2 to 3 months ahead of need. See files for previous orders over the web.
Wallmart has often been the least expensive so far. Order online.
Get Expo – 12 colors per pack: 12 pack/$11 or 18 pack; prefer 18 pack due to greater variety of colors.
Order at least 120 markers at a time.
Hobby/craft store is source for plastic boxes, Velcro. Keep at least 3 boxes on hand.
Current plastic boxes are from Hobby Lobby (HobbyLobby.com).
Erasers: From AJ @ about $1.50/e.
Expo white board cleaner @ $26/gal.
5. Store supplies in Director's Office closet (or move to unit which has responsibility).
6. The Library has been supplying dry erase cleaner, by the gallon, and cleaning cloths to LRC, for cleaning the whiteboard wall in the Math Lab. These are stored in the Math Lab closet. If it is not being cleaned, make arrangements for Library student assistants to clean it.