Versions Compared


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To set up Google Alerts:


                                                   xii.    AGU ( Many of their journals are open access. The non-open access ones still allow the published version in repositories with the Rights statement: "©2018. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved."




  1. Email the publisher and ask. Record “vendor emailed” and date on the printout of the alerts.
  2. If the item can’t be loaded and full-text isn’t available online for free (without a subscription) to link to, cross it off and move to the next item.
  3. If there is an embargo period, record the date and the length of the embargo on the printout and move to the next item.
  4. If the publisher grants the right to put the full text of any version in repositories, and you have the full text, add to MD-SOAR without communicating with the author. Add your screenshot of the publisher’s info stating it can be added as a license. Record “Loaded” on the printout.
  5. Communicate with the author for permission and/or files or anything else needed. Record “emailed” and date on the printout. Include a link to the Scherpa page or publisher policy stating we can include their work in MD-SOAR.
    1. If necessary, ask for the files for the version of the work that can go in MD-SOAR. Many publishers only allow pre-prints, but the full text online is not a pre-print, not full text, or behind a paywall.
    2. If a pdf of the work is available online as a version that can be added and the publisher says you need the author’s permission, just ask the author for permissions.
