To set up Google Alerts:
xii. AGU ( Many of their journals are open access. The non-open access ones still allow the published version in repositories with the Rights statement: "©2018. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved."
- Email the publisher and ask. Record “vendor emailed” and date on the printout of the alerts.
- If the item can’t be loaded and full-text isn’t available online for free (without a subscription) to link to, cross it off and move to the next item.
- If there is an embargo period, record the date and the length of the embargo on the printout and move to the next item.
- If the publisher grants the right to put the full text of any version in repositories, and you have the full text, add to MD-SOAR without communicating with the author. Add your screenshot of the publisher’s info stating it can be added as a license. Record “Loaded” on the printout.
- Communicate with the author for permission and/or files or anything else needed. Record “emailed” and date on the printout. Include a link to the Scherpa page or publisher policy stating we can include their work in MD-SOAR.
- If necessary, ask for the files for the version of the work that can go in MD-SOAR. Many publishers only allow pre-prints, but the full text online is not a pre-print, not full text, or behind a paywall.
- If a pdf of the work is available online as a version that can be added and the publisher says you need the author’s permission, just ask the author for permissions.