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Adding Supplements to the metadata in Excel and Moving them to the PDF Directory
Adding Licenses to the metadata in Excel:
- If there are existing licenses in your license folder, rename them using the naming convention author's last name, first initial, OPEN (e,g, JonesrOPEN,pdf), or author's last name first initial LIM (JonesrLIM.pdf) depending on if access is supposed to be open or limited, note any embargo period, and in the metadata file, move the file name from colomn A to the Open or Limited access column as appropriate, and add the license file name to column D.
- Scan each license.
- Use Take the licenses want to work on to the copier an put them in the top tray.
- Press email.
- Enter your email address.
- Download the pdf from the email.
- Open the PDF with Acrobat.
- Select tools then select Organize Pages
- Select all of the pages
- Click Extract.
- Check Extract as Separate Files, then click Extract.
- Select the License folder.
- Go to the license folder.
- Rename the individual files using the naming convention author's last name, first initial, OPEN (e,g, JonesrOPEN,pdf), or author's last name first initial LIM (JonesrLIM.pdf) depending on if access is supposed to be open or limited. If name first initial LIM (JonesrLIM.pdf) depending on if access is supposed to be open or limited. If there is an embargo, put the authors name, document title, and embargo length on the embargo list.
- Find the document in the metadata file.
- if there is more than one person with the same last name and fist initial, include the numbers from the main pdf file in the license . Note any licenses which include embargo periods, including the authors last name and initial and the length of the embargo. and save to the pdf folderfile name.
- In the metadata file, move the files from column A to the Open or Limited access column as appropriate.
- Add the license file name to column D
Saving the Excel file as a .csv file: