Required for this procedure:
For other problems with the files Proquest FTP's to us, ask Michelle to call Proquest technical support at 877-408-5027 or 800-889-3358 (or email at or ) to find a solution.
The XML is configured for no open access. If we start getting ones with permissions, Michelle will create a second XML file for them, and they'll need to be done separately.
- Open the Excel template version 5.1.
- Run the macro "Delete_Everything" by using CTRL-X. This will delete the content of sheet 1 and any existing XML map. If there is not an existing XML map, it will make an error which can be ignore.
- Delete the sheet2 that has old content in it. Create a new worksheet and rename it sheet2 if not named that already.
- Return to sheet1, cell 1A. Use developer import to import the file you created using Editix.
- Press ctr-r to run the reformatter macro.
- Go to the sheet2.
- Separate the keywords by changing commas in the keyword field to || where appropriate.
- Ensure that there are no spaces in file names. If there are, you'll need to change them in the spreadsheet, and also change the actual file name to match it.
- Check for any department that didn't fill in. If there are any, notify Michelle and wait until she tells you what department to use and has programming (the Collection File program may not work).
- Delete all of the rows where extra data was filled in.
- In the filename column, enter the names of any extra files to be loaded in the appropriate line. Separate it from the existing file with ||. In the dc.description column for these, add a note indicating that there's a supplement and it's format, eg "Include 1 .jpeg3 supplement"
- Save your sheet2 (you must be on it) as a .csv file.
- Be sure to close Excel or the next steps won't work.