- Notices from Proquest that files are available.
- Filezilla.
- Proquest FTP login info.
- ETD Directory on hard drive with pdf and xml subdirectories.
- 7-Zip.
- Adobe Acrobat Standard. Modify Acrobat seetings: When you're in Acrobat, go to edit, then preferences. Click on "Documents" in the left-hand column. In the main part of the pop-up, under PDF/A view mode, use the drop-down to select "never."
- Computer configured to open XML files with WordPad (Right click an XML file and select "Open with" and then "Chose Program." Select WordPad, then click "Always use the selected program to open this kind of file.").
- Microsoft Excel with the Developer tab enabled and macros enabled (Left click on the windows symbol and select "Excel Options." On the popular tab, check "Show developer tab in the Ribbon." Go to the Trust Center Tab. Click "Trust Center Settings." Click "Enable all Macros.").
- Excel Template (attached here).
- CONTENTdm Project Client. Set-up and configure as follows: If you haven't used the installation of ContentDM before, you'll need to enter the server URL, http://contentdm.ad.umbc.edu, and the username and password for it (same as ContentDM Admin). Then choose the collection UMBC Electronic Theses and Dissertations and name the project the same thing. In Project Settings Manager: Set Metadata Templates to PDF, then click edit. Fill in sponsor: University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) Collection: UMBC Thesis and Dissertations. Rights Statement: This item may be protected under Title 17 of the U.S. Copyright Law. It is made available by UMBC for non-commercial research and education. For permission to publish or reproduce, please see http://aok.lib.umbc.edu/specoll/repro.php or contact Special Collections at speccoll(at)umbc.edu. Source: Change drop-down to file name. Proofread and click ok. In Metadata Field Types, select text. In Images & Thumbnails, select JPEG2000. in Processing, select DO NOT convert multiple page PDF's to compound objects. In Project Options, chose use HTTP..., Do not spellcheck full-text, and Show spelling errors. In Finding Collection, check both boxes.