- Check the advisor field to insure there is only 1 advisor as it's unclear that 2 or more advisors will load correctly.
- Check the document type field to insure it's thesis or dissertation. Values converting are Ph.D., M.A., M.S., and M.F.A. Macro can be revised to account for other values.
- Separate the keywords by semi-colons by changing commas in the keyword field to semicolons where appropriate. This may be most quickly achieved by finding and replacing the commas with semicolons's then manually changing the semicolons's back to commas's in the few places where you can readily identify coordinated keywords. This requires some judgment to determine where commas are separating keywords verses parts of the same keyword. For example, "University of Maryland, College Park," is likely one keyword and the comma should be a comma, and "Frederick, Maryland," is likely one keyword and the comma should be a comma (note that in other instances cities and states are separated and clearly not one keyword). However, more often than not, the commas are separating separate keywords and need to be semicolons: Antisocial, Antisocial Personality Disorder, Development, Gender, Marital quality, Relationship. This may require some judgment. For example, is American Jews, History, two separate keywords or one? Since history if such a broad topic, and unlikely to be a valuable keyword by itself, it might be best to interpret this as one keyword and leave the comma so that this is a single keyword. Also note that in some instances, whether the comma belongs or not may be determined which way it best fit the topic best based on the abstract, but this often doesn't work because subjects are often so technical it's impossible determine if the comma belongs or not without in-depth knowledge of the field. In case of doubt, change the comma making the words into separate keywords, as the knowledgeable searcher will be able to put the words together when searching. Note that the authors entering keywords are not skilled at this and some of the keywords aren't entered as library staff would enter them, and entries are inconsistent between authors. All the same, don't edit, and try to get the conversion of the commas correct without second-guessing or spending excessive time."
- Check the identifier to insure that the algorithm that draws the identifier from the file name is working correctly. If the file name formatting changes, the algorithm may stop working.
- Insure that the language is English.