Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Required for this procedure:


For other problems with the files Proquest FTP's to us, ask Michelle to call Proquest technical support at 877-408-5027 or 800-889-3358 (or email at or
 ) to find a solution.

Adding Supplements to the metadata in Excel and Moving them to the PDF Directory


  • Make sure all rights fields have the header dcterms.accessRights .

  • Save your sheet2 (you must be on it) as a .csv file. While on the "save as" screen, change the character encoding to UTF8  by using the tools drop-down, selecting web options, then encoding, and UTF8.

  • In the CSV file, make sure that dates are in the YYYY-MM-DD format. Find and replace to fix if necessary.
  • Be sure to close Excel or the next steps won't work.


Run the program to create the collection files:

  1. Check your CollectionFilesProgram directory for any old SAF directories and delete them.
  2. Move the entire current SimpleArchiveFormat directory into your CollectionFilesProgram directory.
  3. Go the dos prompt: in the start menu, click "Run," then type cmd in the box, and click ok.
  4.  Change the directory to the CollectionFilesProgram directory by typing cd c:\ETD\CollectionFilesProgramOpen Ubuntu and zip the CollectionFilesProgram directory by:
    1. navigating to the directory that the CollectioFilesProgram directory is in (probably the ETD folder), using ls to the contents of the directory you' in and cd to change directories.
  5. Zip the CollectionFilesProgram directory using the command zip -r CollectionFilesProgram/
  6. Email your zip of the CollectionFilesProgram directory to yourself.
  7. In your browser, go to https:/ and log in.
  8. Log into myumbc on elumin and download yourzip file.
  9. Navigate to the zip file in File Explorer then unzip it using extract.
  10. Open the command line dos prompt by typing cmd into start.
  11. Navigate to the unzipped CollectionFilesProgram directory in downloads.
  12. Run the program by typing "python"
  13. Look at the log, saf_log.txt for any items skipped. If _log.txt for any items skipped. If items have been skipped fix them, or ask Michelle to fix them, and rerun the SAFbuilder and re-do all steps after it. If no items have been skipped, they included an unknown program. Notify Michelle, and she'll manually create collection files for this set, and modify programming to include the unknown value in future setszip the SAF directory.
  14. Send the zipped SAF directory to MD-SOAR help requesting that they load it.

Zip the SimpleArchiveFormat Directory


Email the zipped files to DSS at CP:

  1. Joseph Andrew Koivisto <>