Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Required for this procedure:


Required for this procedure:

  • Notices from Proquest that files are available.
  • Filezilla.
  • Proquest FTP login info.
  • ETD Directory on hard drive with pdf and xml subdirectories.
  • 7-Zip.
  • Adobe Acrobat Standard. Modify Acrobat settings: When you're in Acrobat, go to edit, then preferences. Click on "Documents" in the left-hand column. In the main part of the pop-up, under PDF/A view mode, use the drop-down to select "never."
  • Computer configured to open XML files with WordPad (Right click an XML file and select "Open with" and then "Chose Program." Select WordPad, then click "Always use the selected program to open this kind of file.").
  • Editix XML Editor.
  • XSL file for reformatting the XML files, ETDConversionForDspace.xsl (attached here).
  • Microsoft Excel with the Developer tab enabled and macros enabled (Left click on the windows symbol and select "Excel Options." On the popular tab, check "Show developer tab in the Ribbon." Go to the Trust Center Tab. Click "Trust Center Settings." Click "Enable all Macros.").
  • Excel Template, ETDtempDspace.xlsm, (attached here).
  • SAF Builder program (downloaded from Github and installed by LITS) and Java JDK, GIT, and Maven. Oracle VM Virtual Box for running it on Linux, and directory that can be accessed both for Linux and windows.
  • Collection File program (attached here in a zip file–unzip it and put it in your ETD directory) and Python to run it.
  • For converting video files to mp4's: Avidemux.


For other problems with the files Proquest FTP's to us, ask Michelle to call Proquest technical support at 877-408-5027 or 800-889-3358 (or email at or
 ) to find a solution.

Adding Supplements to the metadata in Excel and Moving them to the PDF Directory


  • Take the licenses you want to work on to the copier and put them in the top tray.
  • Press email.
  • Enter your email address. Press Ok. Press Start.
  • If you get a "Communications with server is lost error" while scanning is in progress, start over.
  • Put the paper licenses into the manilla "scanned" folder.
  • Download the pdf from the email.
  • Open the PDF with Acrobat.
  • Select tools then select Organize Pages
  • Select all of the pages
  • Click Extract.
  • Check Extract as Separate Files, then click Extract.
  • Select the License folder.
  • Go to the license folder.
  • Open the first file. 
  • If no choice was made, or license wasn't signed, put in the unusable folder.
  • Open the metadata file if not already open. Scroll down and see if labels remain on the top. If not, go to view, then click normal, the click Freeze Panes and select Freeze Top Row.
  • Find the document in the metadata file, ensuring that both the full author name and title match.
  • If no entry matches, put the license in the "not in this load" folder.
  • In the matching data file entry, move the files from column A to the Open or Limited access column as appropriate. If there is an embargo, handle as open, and check the issue date to see if it's expired--If so, handle as usual. If there as an active embargo (not yet expired), record the title, author, issue date, and embargo expiration date on the embargo list.
  • In the license column, column D, enter a file name for the license loosely using the following naming conventions. Note that typos or shortened versions are ok. However, a program will run and make changes based the Open.pdf and Lim.pdf so those must be accurately entered.
    • Open:  Author's last name, first initial, First word of the title (omitting articles)_Open.pdf (e,g, JonesRFindingOpen,pdf),
    • Closed:  Author's last name first initial,  first word of the title (omitting articles)_Lim.pdf (JonesR_Finding_Lim.pdf).
  • Copy the license name that you just entered into column D.
  • Do a "Save As," and rename the pdf file, pasting the file name that you entered in column D into the spreadsheet..
  • Ensure that the file you just did is saved under the authors last name. Then delete the Sharp file.
  • Repeat for each file.

Completing the Licenses

For open access, the Access Rights field states: "Distribution Rights granted to UMBC by the author."

For closed access, the Access Rights field states: "Access limited to the UMBC community. Item may possibly be obtained via Interlibrary Loan through a local library, pending author/copyright holder's permission."


rights: change header to dc.rights

limited access: change header to filenameSaving the Excel file as a .csv file: 

  • Delete all of the rows where extra data was filled in.
  • Change the labels in row 1 as follows:
    • Column B: filename__permissions:-r'Anonymous'__primary:true
    • Column C: filename__permissions:-r'ScholarWorksUMBCIP'__primary:true



    • Column D : filename__bundle:LICENSE__permissions:-r'Anonymous


  • Delete all of the rows where extra data was filled in.
  • Change the labels in row 1 as follows:
    • Column B: ffilename__permissions:-r'Anonymous'__primary:true
    • Column C: filename__permissions:-r'ScholarWorksUMBCIP'__primary:true
    • Column D : filename__bundle:LICENSE__permissions:-r'Anonymous'
  • Delete column A
  • Change the format of any column with data displaying as XXXX to "General." Find all of the 01/01/ and replace with nothing. Skim the dates for anything odd and fix.
  • Change the format of filed to text
    • '
  • Sort for all items without a license. Move their filenames to the UMBCIP column.
  • For open access, add the Access Rights field states: "Distribution Rights granted to UMBC by the author."
  • For closed access, add the Access Rights field states: "Access limited to the UMBC community. Item may possibly be obtained via Interlibrary Loan through a local library, pending author/copyright holder's permission."
  • Delete column A
  • Make sure all rights fields have the header dcterms.accessRights .

  • Save your sheet2 (you must be on it) as a .csv file. While on the "save as" screen, change the character encoding to UTF8  by using the tools drop-down, selecting web options, then encoding, and UTF8.

  • In the CSV file, and UTF8make sure that dates are in the YYYY-MM-DD format. Find and replace to fix if necessary.
  • Be sure to close Excel or the next steps won't work.


  1. Put the .csv metadata file and all of the files to be loaded in the directory that can be accessed from both Linux and Windows.
  2. Open Oracle VM Virtual Box and double click on Ubuntu.  
  3. If Ubuntu goes to a red screen showing the time and date, it's locked. Drag the screen up to reveal the login screen to unlock it. The password is linux.
  4. Click on activities then type term. Double click the terminal icon.
  5. Use the command ls to list all the files in the directory, and cd to change the directory to navigate to the directory with the file. Use the cd command alone to go up a level in the directory. Remember directory names, file names and commands are all case sensitive.
  6. Run the safbuilder by typing" ./ -c c:path to metadata file." For example, "./ -c  /media/sf_Linux_SF/ETDtempDpsace.csv &>  "would run the safbuilder on the metadata.csv file and all of the files in the directory with it.
  7. The program will make a bunch of text appear in the DOS window. If it doesn't, the program didn't run. If it says ERROR in square brackets, the program didn't run. You probably made a typo when you typed the run command in. Try again, and be sure to type it all correctly.
  8. When it's run correctly, in DOS window, the last line should indicate that ETDtempDspace.csv has been used 0 times, and that should be the only line with a "File:" error See below:

    A SimpleArchiveFormat directory should appear in your folder that the files and the csv file are in.
  9. If there is more than the one "File" error, there is something wrong. See below:

    These errors happen when the files in the folder and filenames in the csv file don't match. Determine if there is a problem that needs to be corrected by comparing your .csv file to the contents of your directory. If necessary, make the corrections, then delete your SimpleArchiveFormat directory, and run the safbuilder again. If you can't fix the problems, or don't know what's causing them, ask Michelle for help. If she's not there, you can copy and paste all the errors to Word by pushing the PrtScn and Ctrl keys together to copy your screen to the clipboard, and paste your screen into Word--if there are many errors, scroll through them getting them all pasted into Word.
  10. If other errors occur, it's usually because of a typo in the command/path. Try to run it again.


Email the zipped files to DSS at CP:

  1. Joseph Andrew Koivisto <>