Open the following:
Aleph Cataloging Module
Word document or Notepad for recording Aleph bibliographic system numbers and notes of records worked on. If you are deleting the last BC Holding on a bibliographic record, you will also record the OCLC number for the bibliographic record for OCLC holdings deletion.
Google Sheets–Serials Cataloging Requests (Responses), tab Working Form Responses. Filter column "Type of Request" to include only the 2 values for Holding Deletions.
Use the BIB number in the Serials Cataloging Requests sheet to retrieve the bibliographic record in Aleph. This is the Aleph system number of the record with the holding record attached.
Read the Location and Notes Information in Serials Cataloging Requests sheet for the holding you are deleting.
Holding Record Number identifies the specific holding record to be deleted.
Check the Holding record
If it includes a note about a Standing Order, record the system number for the bibliographic record, note "Standing Order in Holding record," and go on to the next request. Take no further action here.
If there is no note about Standing Order, delete the Holding record.