Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery

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Staff Lounge

To facilitate staff relaxation and refreshment during breaks or meal periods, room 355 in the Library building has been set aside for staff use as a lounge.

The staff lounge is equipped to allow some storage and preparation of food and drink. Equipment provided as part of original building construction (e.g., oven, range, and refrigerator) are maintained or repaired through Library operating funds. Other equipment subsequently added by staff (e.g., microwave, toaster oven, coffee maker) are not the property of the University and must be maintained/repaired through private funds. [See also Library guideline #325 "food funding."
The staff lounge is also provided a campus system telephone through the Library budget.

Users of staff lounge equipment are responsible for turning all appliances off and for leaving equipment and the area clean and neat after use.

For security of belongings and persons, the staff lounge is kept locked at all times. Each Library & Gallery staff member, as well as Honor's College, and other building staff, are given opportunity to have the staff lounge key issued to them as individuals, should they wish to use the staff lounge.

Staff with their own key may use the lounge at any time the Library is open for operation. Staff may not reserve the lounge for exclusive use, and should be considerate of other staff when using the lounge. Student assistants may use the staff lounge with permission (and key) from staff; however, student assistants may not study or have non-Library guests in the lounge.

references: unit heads meeting minutes 4/6/92
J. LeBreton memo dated 4/8/92
see also: Library guideline #325 food funding

policy implemented 4/11/92, revised 8/31/92
revised 3/6/00 to reflect for new building info

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