Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

Processing Interlibrary Loan Invoices

Processing Interlibrary Loan Invoices
1.      Collection Management will bring ILL Invoices to Library, Accounting & Receiving for payment.  They will bring the original, a copy stamped with the, Goods & Service, rubber stamp and signed by the appropriate person to verify that we have actually received the item or service we are being charged for.

2.      The Accounting and Receiving person should check previous invoices from the same vendor.  This is done to make sure we are not being double billed for the same invoice.

3.      After checking the invoice information we then determine if the invoice can be paid with a Visa card or paid by check using a voucher.  
A.      To pay with a Visa card simply call the vendor.  State why you have called and then provide the credit card information to the vendor for the purpose of paying the invoice charged to the Interlibrary Loan dept.  The vendor should then provide a receipt or payment confirmation by fax, email or sometimes regular mail.  A physical payment confirmation is necessary to fulfill Procurement Card Procedures.  
B.     To pay by check using a voucher, the voucher form in completed on line.  The completed form is printed, signed, and dated by the staff person preparing the form.  All copies, the original and the two copies showing goods or services received are attached and given to the department supervisor.  (The voucher is needed only if Visa card payment is not accepted.) 
4.      The supervisor checks for errors.  If no errors are present, the supervisor then signs the voucher in the appropriate place, initials and dates the A & R copy of the invoice showing the goods and services were provided.  This is done to authorize payment for the invoice.   All paperwork is then returned to the preparer.

5.      The person who prepared the form then makes a copy of the voucher and attaches the authorized copy of the invoice; this is kept and entered on the A& R ledger and filed.    The remaining paper work is organized with the original voucher on top, the original unstamped invoice second and the original copy showing the, Goods & Service, stamp signed. The paper work is stapled together and sent to the Accounts Payable department in the Administration Building on the 3rd floor.  This completes our part to insure payment of the Interlibrary Loan Invoice.

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian