Rush Ordering and processing is one of our most service-oriented processes. All rushes should be approached with the assumption that the requester really needs the item NOW. Everything in our power should be done to get rush items in the hands of the requester as soon as possible. Our service commitment is to whenever possible:
- Place rush orders within one working day.
- Receive rush items within two weeks.
- Process received rush items within one working day.
Pre-order Searching:
Whenever possible, all rush pre-order searching should be completed by 10:00 A.M. each day. All searching should be done in keeping with normal searching procedures. Questions or problems should be asked and answered immediately, so that ? are not recorded as a search result for rushes.
- Search all orders in Catalog USMAI in accordance with regular catalogusmai searching procedures. If the item is held by UMBC, no further searching is necessary, email the requestor to let them know the item is already held.
- Search Barnes and in accordance with regular procedures. If the item is available in three days or less, we'll order it from Barnes & and no further searching is necessary.
- Search the items in in accordance with regular searching procedures. If the item is available in three days or less, we'll order it from and no further searching is necessary.
- If neither Barnes & Noble nor Amazon have the item, search the publisher's website. If the item is available from the publisher, we'll order it direct from them.
- Put the grouped orders in the Rush "Search Completed" Tray, unless you are authorized to place rush orders without review. If you are authorized to place rush orders without review, complete the orders in accordance with the remaining rush ordering procedures.
Summary of Vendor Selection and ordering for Rush Orders |
Books (in-print, published or distributed in North America)
- Barnes & if available in 3 days or less, Visa orders placed on web.
- if available in 3 days or less, VISA orders placed on the web.
- Direct from the publisher.
Books (foreign)
- Barnes & Noble or Amazon if available. Check appropriate Amazon sites (i.e., etc)
- Primary vendor for the country. Orders are placed via e-mail if we have an open P.O.
- Source given on the order. VISA orders if possible.
Any other source we can locate. VISA orders if possible.
Books (out-of-print)
- used. VISA orders placed on the web.
- Vendor selected from Addall in keeping with normal out-of-print searching procedures. VISA orders placed via phone.
- Source given on the order. VISA orders placed via fax.
Videos, DVD's or Music CD's:
- Barnes & if available in 3 days or less. Visa orders placed on Web.
- if available in 3 days or less. VISA orders placed on the web.
- Source given on the order. VISA orders placed via phone.
- Any other source we can locate. VISA orders placed via phone.
Music Scores:
- VISA orders placed on the web.
- Source given on the order. VISA orders placed via phone.
- Any other source we can locate. VISA orders placed via phone. |
Review and Vendor Decision
- If the item is "Already in Library:", e-mail the requestor that the item won't be ordered because it is already held by UMBC. Including the call number if the item is available. If the item is not available, suggest that they recall the item.
- If the item is "Already on Order:" check the vendor. If YBP, consider cancelling and reordering. If cancelling is not possible, make sure the item will be rushed when it arrives and go on hold for the requestor, if not already on hold. Email the requestor and describe the situation.
- Search any series in accordance with the series searching procedure.
- Perform Complex Searching/Special Handling procedures as appropriate.
- Review all records selected to insure that they match the order.
- Review the vendor assignment to verify that it is correct.
If items can't be obtained within the rush timeframe, (Not Yet Published, Unable to Locate, Out-of-Print or Out-of-Stock Indefinitely and no used copies available), notify the requester, via e-mail, of the status of the item and what action will be taken. Not Yet Published and Out-of-Print or Out-of-Stock Indefinitely (unable to locate) items are held in the appropriate slots in the rush area, for review and searching on a weekly basis, until found and ordered. |
Order Creation
If there is no bibliographic record already in the system, export a bibliographic record from OCLC. If you can't or don't know how, give the order to someone who does. Create orders as usual in accordance with normal order creation procedures, with the following exceptions:
- Put the word "RUSH" and the word "Hold" in the library notes field (unless the item is for reserves).
- If the order has already been placed, also in the library note, include how and when the order was placed.Example: Order emailed on 8/2/04
- The requestor must be in the requestor field. They may not be put in the notes field. See the Acquisitions Librarian if you're unable to find the requestor.
- Click the "Rush" box on tab two.
- Set the claim date to two weeks.
- If the item is to go on reserve, it cannot be put on hold. If a reserves order has a hold request on it, E-mail the requestor and let them know that the item can't be put on hold. Also, the collection code is STCK, not RSRV. Additionally, items that will go in reference or special collections are non-circulating and can't be put on hold--also notify the requestor in these circumstances that the item can't be put on hold. However, in all circumstances, do still include the hold note in the order, as the will trigger an notice be sent to the liaison for the department about the not being put on hold.
- Put the completed order in the rush Librarian Authorization, Already Ordered tray.
Completing E-mail rush orders:
- *E-mail the order to the vendor.*The e-mail should include:
- The statement: We would like to place a rush order for the following title:
- The subject line: RUSH order.
- The title, author, imprint, and ISBN of the item being ordered.
- Our order number.
- The campus purchase order number.
- Any relevant vendor number.