This is a snapshot of the student's official University record a student's entire academic history, inclusive of test and transfer credits.
This document allows you to see semester by semester classes and grades as well as GPAs and academic coursework. You can also see if a student was placed on probation, suspension or dismissal.
This is also a great place to see any major, minor or certificate changes that a student has made during their academic career at UMBC.
The unofficial transcript should not be used in place of the degree audit.
1. Go to myUMBC and navigate to Topics > Advising & Student Support > Advising Center.
2. Search for a student using the Empl ID (this is the Campus ID number). (The most accurate way to locate a student is to ask for the student's Campus ID number. If you do not have access to the number, you can search for the student using the PeopleSoft search for the campus ID field.)
3. Ensure the correct Institution, Career and Term fields are entered in the fields provided.
4. Select the Unofficial Transcript link.
5. Select View Report.
6. Select View Report. The Student's Unofficial Transcript is saved as a PDF file and can be opened via your browser. (Note: Depending on the browser you are using, the file may open automatically or it may be saved as a download and you must open it separately.)
SA Tip
If a student repeats a non-repeatable course, only the course with the highest grade will be used in the calculation of the cumulative GPA; however, all grades earned remain on the permanent record