If your instructor has assignments prepared and entered into your Ultra course, you will be able to easily see all of the due dates for your upcoming assignments.
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From your course:
1. Click on the Calendar icon located in the upper right-hand corner of your course.
2. Use the Schedule/DueDates button to view your upcoming assignments:
Schedule can be viewed in either Day or Month. Under Day view you can use the arrows to view different weeks, and click on individual days. In Month view you can see the month at a glance with when your assignments are due.
Due Dates will list all of your upcoming assignments in order of their due date
You can view all of your upcoming assignments in all of your Ultra courses by using the Calendar tool in the base navigation:
1. Click on the Calendar in the base navigation
2. Use the Schedule/DueDates button to view your upcoming assignments:
Schedule can be viewed in either Day or Month. Under Day view you can use the arrows to view different weeks, and click on individual days. In Month view you can see the month at a glance with when your assignments are due.
Due Dates will list all of your upcoming assignments in order of their due date