- Log into GOBI.
- At the Collection Manager home screen, click on Acquisitions.
- It should open to Review Requests
- On the Review Requests screen make sure the following selections are made:
- Under Request Status: Requests Awaiting Action
- Under Edition Source: US and UK.
- Under Request Created Date: Last Week
- On the Review Requests screen make sure the following selections are made:
- Click on the Submit button.
- To print the requests:
- In the upper right corner click "Select all Matching Editions". All items in the list should be highlighted yellow. If there is only one order, click select.
- From the "Select Action" drop down menu, choose print. Click Ok.
- Check "Include Institution Activity" and "Include Non-Subject Parameters", then click submit.
- Orders will be listed in a PDF. Save the file to your computer, then open.
- Select all and copy and paste the orders into a word document. Delete the header.
- A copy of the bib search record needs to be inserted after each requested order. The bib search record includes a page break which will allow for each order to be printed individually.
- When all orders have had a bib search record added to them, print out the document.
- Back in Collection Manager, we need to see if the liaison has placed any special notes on each request.
- Click Close to return to the list of records.
- Look for the word "NOTES" at the end of the request info.
- If it is there, click the link and transfer the note to the printed order.
- Make sure to check each title.
- We now need to determine if the item requested is a reprint.
- In the PDF, type "reprint" in the search box.
- If any records contain "reprint", write this on the printout for that request.
- Place all items in the awaiting processing box that is located behind the acquisition Librarian's desk.
- Now the requests need to be rejected.
- Once again, click "Select all Matching Editions"
- From the "Select Action" drop down menu chose Approve/Reject Requests
- Choose Approve and click Submit.
- Sign off of collection Manager