All members were present.
Wiki status – getting it organized, at least at 1st 2 levels.
May explained what the Blackboard Library Community is.
Board of Regents Policies: they are broad. There is a policy on records management and a policy on filing an institutional policy manual with the Chancellor.
Library Policy Manual: has guidelines on what documents the library retains and sends to Archives.
Following the charge of the working group, we need to work on access and organization of information and trust that the library is retaining the necessary documents.
We should aim for making a recommendation of how to revamp the access and organization of the Library Policy Manual.
Issues of Access vs. Storage were discussed.
To think about for next meeting:
How do we move forward?
How could the current system work better?
Possible investigation of Open URL document management software.
We will each look at the current state of documents on the I drive and bring problems to next meeting for discussion.