- Go to the Acquisitions homepage.
- Click on Gobi (in the common links toolbar).
- Enter Account Number, user ID and password. Click go.
- At the top of the page there is a quick search bar, search here by ISBN.
- If you have searched by ISBN, then a matching record should open right up.
- If you do not have an ISBN, go to the standard search page, select "begins with" and search by title.
- If the title search returns no matching result, return to standard search and enter the author's name.
- Ideally your record should appear close to the top of the results. When determining a match use the following criteria:
- Title
- Sub-title
- Author
- Publisher
- Paperback/Cloth
- If you have a correct matching record, print it out. To do this you will need to complete the following steps:
- Mark the title by clicking on the bar to the left of the record.
- Click print.
- Choose the PDF, one record per page option.
- A window will open - click print icon.
- If you can't get down to one record based on these criteria, put a ? on your printout.
- If your one record is not an exact bibliographic match, put a ? next to it.
- If you record has any of the follow as the status, put a ? next to it.
- The statement Out of Print
- The statement Out of Stock
- The statement "Not Yet Published"
- The statement non-return/non-cancel
- Attach the printout to the back of the order.
- If your printout has a question mark, record YBP? on the BRF.
- If the record doesn't have a question mark, record YBPP on the BRF.
- If you didn't find a record at all, record YBPØ.
- Initial and date.
- To start over with a new search, enter your information in the search bar at the top of the page or select standard search.
- When all of the searching is complete, place the orders in the YBP tray in front of the High Volume Ordering Technician's desk.