SA Course Descriptions - Faculty
SA Course Descriptions - Faculty
Navigating in Self-Service
The Faculty Center is the hub for self-service faculty functionality. The hands-on course will provide an introduction to the Faculty Center. By the end of this course, you will be able to:
- Navigate in the Faculty Center
- Describe what you can do in the Faculty Center
- Define relevant terminology
Course Management
Whether Faculty needs to print a class roster or give permission for a student to attend your class, there are many facets to the live cycle of a course. This course will provide hands-on experience for Faculty to:
- View your schedule of classes for the semester
- Print a roster for a class.
- Give (or decline) permission to a class.
- Post Grades for a class.
Advising Students
Advising students using the tools available in SA provides a meaningful starting point for Advisors. From reviewing student transcripts on-line to performing a degree audit for a student, this course will provide Advisors hands-on experience in:
- Viewing your list of Advisees
- Viewing student transcripts
- Viewing a degree audit for a student
- Entering advising notes
Running SA Reports & Queries
Description coming soon (still under development)
, multiple selections available,