


What training do I need?

 The training that you require is dependent on the role that you have at the University.  Are you a faculty member?  Departmental Staff?  An Advisor?  Check back soon for a curriculum for each SA role.

What training is currently available?

The following instructor-led (ILT) courses and Lunch & Learn workshops are currently available for registration via www.umbc.edu/training.  Click on the course title below for additional details about the class.

*CURRENTLY BEING OFFERED* Using the Advising Center - Join us for either a one-hour demonstration of the Advising Center or a hands-on session to learn how to use the Advising Center tools. Either class will prepare you to advise students for upcoming terms when you learn about how to use the New Advising Notes feature and the other advising tools that are now available.

*NEW IN DEC. 2009* Using Online Grade Rosters- Are you an instructor responsible for providing the Registrar's office with grades for students on your class roster?  If so, then we invite you to join us for a 45 minute lunch & learn session to view a demonstration of the new Online Grade Roster features and functionality and participate in the discussion that will follow.  If you are unable to join us, please view the online video demonstration and print out a copy of the quick reference guide to use as a training guide when entering grades.

What training formats are available?

Hands-on Instructor-Led Training is available for the SA Navigation and Schedule of Classes curriculum of training.  This format of training is used to teach materials that introduce a change in business processes or complex topics.  This approach provides an opportunity for the participant to receive an instructor led demonstration and discussion of the content, followed by scenario-based hands-on practice of the material learned via the Training Database.  The ILT classes range between 2 to 4 hours in length, depending on the amount of content being delivered.  To view and register for available classes, go to www.umbc.edu/training.

How To...Workshops (or Lunch & Learns) are lecture based demonstrations of a particular concept or feature in SA.  This format of training is used to convey simple topics that introduce a new way of performing a current task, but that do not necessary introduce a change in current business processes for the participant.  How To... workshops will be offered on a variety of topics throughout the SA implementation, and will be a significant part of the training plan for the Self-service functionality for faculty.  Workshops are typically 60 minutes in length.  To view and register for available classes, go to www.umbc.edu/training.

UPK (Self-paced Learning) is available for a number of topics and courses targeted towards faculty and academic department staff.   The self-paced topics are organized by the course name for which they replicate, and when available, can be taken as an alternative to ILT training or How To... workshops.   The UPK Self-Paced topics can also be used as a refresher after attending the ILT and How To...workshops, and generally run between 10 - 20 minutes in length.  To access the UPK self-paced training portal go to www.umbc.edu/upk.   For instructions on using the UPK, click here.

Snippets will be available for all SA tasks presented on the faculty and student self service portal.  The Snippets are short videos clips, including voice recording, of a specific task.  The Snippets will generally be less than 10 minutes in length, and will provide a demonstration of a task. 

Not Sure What Training You Need?

Click on your role below to view your suggested training path, course descriptions and/or register for a class. 

Training by Role



Register for SA Course


Review Training Timeline

Timeline for SA Training

Find and Launch Self-Paced Materials

Self-Paced Materials

Access Quick Reference Guides

Quick Reference Guides

Review Impact to Business Processes

Coming Soon...


It is recommended that Student Administration be accessed via Internet Explorer.  A prerequisite to using Student Administration is how to navigate within Internet Explorer.  SkillSoft has several courses available to teach you the skills necessary to effectively use Internet Explorer and understand how to get the most of E-learning. 

Recommended Skillsoft Courses