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Astrometric Calibrations
Attendance Gabriel, Roy, Olivia, Sophia, Em, Luna
Date & Time 11/09/2022, 1730-2130
Spaces Occupied
TCP/IP Connection Investigation
Point Scope
Astrometric calibration with M67 or NGC188
Need sidereal tracking, not solar
So point on high star
Use to find images
Write up tracking vs (auto)guiding
Write wiki for general telescope use
When opening mirror doors, South mirror door was super slow again
We figured out how to send simple (setting set rate) commands over TCP/IP from DC-TCS
Pointed with Deneb, couldn't be sure due to what might have been reflections or dimmer stars
Moved to Jupiter, moved around a lot (~10 min). Reflections down light baffle complicated pointing.
Finally found Jupiter, and used this to point.
Then more finely adjusted pointing with Scheat in Pegasus.
Best FWHM was 13.7, but not constant
Moved to Saturn.
All objects were very fuzzy. Not a good night for seeing.
Then went to NGC 188 in northern sky.
Took 2x 300s exposures
Took 2x 450s exposures
Stored in "D:\SharpCap Captures\2022-11-09"
Closed everything down.
Other notes
Still need to write up closing/opening procedures
Need to connect Sophia with Don Engel
Need to connect Olivia with CSST folks (perhaps via Don Engel)
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Direct Questions/Concerns to Roy Prouty (