Grant opportunities for historical and cultural institutions

Grant opportunities for historical and cultural institutions

Granting agencies

NHPRC - a listing of grants available from NHPRC

Specific grants (with deadlines!)

CLIR Cataloging Hidden Special Collections and Archives
"The program is designed to overcome the pervasive lack of knowledge about special collections and archives held by libraries, archives, and cultural institutions and to make information about these materials accessible to teachers and scholars."
Pre-proposal deadline: JUNE 15, 2009

NHPRC: Archives - Basic Projects
The National Historical Publications and Records Commission seeks proposals for fundamental archival activities that promote the preservation and use of America's documentary heritage.
Final Deadline: October 6, 2009

NHPRC: Archives- Detailed Processing Projects
The National Historical Publications and Records Commission seeks proposals for detailed processing and preservation of collections of national significance.
Final Deadline: October 6, 2009

NHPRC: Publishing Historical Records
The National Historical Publications and Records Commission seeks proposals to publish historical records of national significance.
New Republic through the Modern Era, Final Deadline: October 6, 2009